The Most Successful People

4 Practices of The Most Successful People

The most successful people do many things to live successful lives.  Here are four practices that enable them to keep a clear head, make better decisions, accomplish more, and have a well-balanced life.

The most successful people focus on solutions.

These people don’t obsess about things that worry them.  Worry is a normal emotion and helps us by calling our attention to the problems that we face in the future.  Successful people don’t allow themselves to ruminate over the future.  They see opportunities, solutions, and success.  Next, they create plans and take action.  Additionally, they are too busy becoming successful to spend time worrying.

The most successful people pause when they feel panicked.

They know to pause rather than surrender to the panic emotions of fight or flight.  Rather, they pause and clear their mind.  They take a deep breath, and step away from the problem.  Additionally, they don’t dash off text messages, emails, or make hasty phone calls that make problems worse.

The most successful people do not become embroiled in hasty arguments that ruin relationships. They rise above the visceral feelings that hijack their intellect and block their critical thinking.

The most successful people get in and get things done.

I worked with a recruiter who would drop her kids off at school, go straight to her office, and work until 3:00 PM.  She would then pick up her kids, drive home, and prepare dinner.  Where many recruiters work forty to fifty-hour hours a week to fill twenty jobs a month, she would fill seventy-five to one hundred jobs a month and only work thirty-five hours a week.  I examined her routine carefully.  Although she did not few things that differently from other recruiters.  She just did them more quickly.

The most successful people have a balanced life.

Successful people live a balanced life.  They work hard.  Sometimes they push themselves to finish a project, even weeks at a time.  But they know to take breaks.  They take time for their family.  Many of these people take time to give to their communities and their causes.  They make wise choices in the food they eat.  Additionally, they take time to exercise.  They take time to rest. They take time for recreation and entertainment.

In Conclusion

The most successful people follow many practices that lead them to live successful lives.  Four of these practices enable them to keep a clear head, make better decisions, do more, and have a well-balanced life.