The 30-60-90-Day Plan for Jobs and Job Interviews

Before you go to a job interview, put together a 30-60-90-day plan.

You can write the presentation in Word or PowerPoint.

Some people use Excel.   If you can keep the presentation to two or three columns, you might use Excel.  From what I have seen, people load Excel with so many columns and rows that the audience has trouble understanding the presentation.

With a 30-60-90-day plan, you can do three things.

When interviewing, you can use your plan to see whether your plans fit the company and whether the company fits you as a person.

You can show the hiring company that you are right for the job.

When you start, you can begin with a head start at your new job.

In the first thirty days, you need to learn the job.

If you have experience, you might be able to assume full responsibility in 90 minutes.   If you are a trainee in an entry-level job, your first week to thirty days is training.

Even if you are able to step right into a job, you will need to learn a great deal.  Get to know the other employees.  Immerse yourself in the company culture.  You will find new systems and that the new company does things differently.  A good way to start your new job is to become a sponge.

  1. Ask questions.
  2. Listen to what everyone has to say.
  3. Read all the company material on your responsibility.
  4. Keep all the material you receive.  You may need it later.
  5. Ask your supervisor how you can work together.
  6. Discuss with your supervisor how the company fits together as a culture and as an organization.

A dangerous pitfall for experienced people is to do things the way they did them at their former employer.

Treat each task as though it is new. Ask yourself whether you know how to do your new job or whether you are doing what you did at your old company.  If the two are different, you can fail to do your new job well.

After the first thirty days, you should work with more freedom.

Your confidence and comfort are higher.  When you speak with your supervisor, discuss your activities and plans.  Ask your supervisor for feedback on your priorities.  If there are things that you need to have finished during your first thirty days on the job, add those things to your daily schedule to get them done as quickly as possible.  Show your supervisor how you are tracking on the things you are doing.

After sixty days on the job, you are working independently.

Your work is up-to-date.  You have successes you can show your supervisor.  You have scheduled your activities into the weeks and months ahead.

In your 30-60-90-day job interview presentation, you can show a list of things you will have completed during the first ninety days.

After ninety days, your skills and knowledge are high.  You can add a matrix to your presentation to show how you will manage your job and future projects beyond the first ninety days.






If plan with this amount of detail, you will learn whether the job is correct for you. You will show the hiring company that you are right for the job. When you start to work at the new company, you have a head start.

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