Successful people reboot for a fresh start.

Successful People Turn Bad Days into Great Days!

Successful People Turn Bad Days into Great Days!

“It’s not what happens to us, but our response to what happens to us that hurts us.” The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People by Stephen R. Covey

When I am having a bad day, I can strain to push myself through the day.  Ruminating, sulking, and whining are great ways to stay stuck in a bad day.

On the other hand, I can restart my day anytime.

Making Little Adjustments

Start over with a little grooming.  

Splashing a little water on my face is refreshing.  I can dampen my comb and start with a fresh part in my hair, just as I do when I am beginning the day.

If I wore makeup, I could restart my day with a mini-makeover:  lips, eyes, cheeks.

I can refresh the way I am dressed.  I can tuck in my shirt just as I do when I first put on my shirt in the morning.

Practice affirmations.

I can at myself in the mirror and think, “Hey, you are terrific!”

Take breaks.

When I am hungry or tired, I may deal with situations poorly.  I can relax with quiet meditation to calm my mind and reset my disposition.

Adjust the schedule.

Sometimes I schedule too many things. On other days, too many new tasks arise.  I can restart my day with a new schedule.

If I am struggling with a task, I can break the task down into pieces.  I can look at the pieces or elements of the task and define my true goal for this task.  With this process, I better understand what I am doing and cut the number of false starts and revisions.

I can then schedule a completion date for that task.  I may find that I am dealing with a truly valuable task that will return greater rewards once I have stopped forcing my way through the task and have begun to work with a schedule of steps.

Take walks.

If I have enough time, I have a complete workout.  By exercising, I burn up that adrenaline that accumulates from the mental stresses of my workday.