Stay Flexible: Becoming established in your career gives you success and security. But the world changes. Industries change. Career opportunities change. What should you be doing in a world of career uncertainty?
Stay Curious and Aware
Remain curious. Accept the realities of an ever-changing world of business. You might need to return to college or obtain new credentials or certifications. Continue to read to stay current with events of the day. Strengthen your professional skills to become more effective in working with other people and to grow into greater responsibility. Furthermore, if you find that you are in a job where you are overqualified, you can begin to explore new jobs that match your skills and pay you for those skills.
Allow your curiosity to grow to become more marketable and more secure throughout your career.
Network Before You Need a Network
Don’t just build a network. As your contacts move into related fields, stay in touch with them. If their careers offered them opportunities beyond their job type, keeping these people in your network can lead you to similar opportunities.
For example, as a recruiter, I started recruiting consumer products sales people. Over time, new sectors began to develop in consumer products industry. As these new sectors evolved, these salespeople found that they had the skills to move into companies that offered services to consumer products companies.
Stay Flexible. Adjust.
During football, baseball, and basketball games, teams adjust their team’s strategy for the team they are playing. As the game progresses, they adjust their game plans to be more competitive. Additionally, as the season progresses, teams trade players and adjust game strategy to the changing strengths and weakness of their team.
You are Your Greatest Asset
Most important part of your career plan is that you take care of yourself, mentally and emotionally. You are your greatest asset. Staying healthy and living with a clear mind will make your career plans practical and more achievable.
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