Giving successful persuasive presentations takes more than showing up. ~
Persuasive Presentations
What are the things that make persuasive presentations successful? How can you persuade your audience to accept your proposal?
Here are 10 powerful steps for giving a persuasive presentation. Whether you are in an salary negotiation, business meeting, or sales call, these steps will make your presentations more powerful.
Do Your Homework
Before you go to a meeting, do your homework on the people in your meeting. Persuasive presentations must show audience recognition.
In live performances, entertainers give a shout out to the audience. Something like, “Hello, Cleveland!”
However, there is nothing more annoying than presenters not knowing their audience.
Picture the rock star who says “Hello, Cleveland!” when they are in fact in Cincinnati.
Know the Information that Will Rock Your Audience
Know what types of information will interest the people you are meeting. If they hate dealing with a lot of data, don’t burden them with graphs and charts that will turn them off.
Persuasive presentations don’t reflect your interests. They reflect the audience’s interests.
If the customers only want beef, don’t give them mashed potatoes.
Know the Goals of Your Audience
Know the goals of the people you are meeting. For example, do they want to increase sales, even at the expense of low margins? Then create a presentation that will show how your product has large consumer appeal to low price shoppers.
Do they want a sales campaign that shows how their store sells quality products? Then show how your product or service excels in consumer satisfaction.
Know the Decision-Making Process
Can your audience give you a decision on the spot? If so, prepare to answer questions and handle objections to close the sale.
On the other hand, if you are selling to buyers who will need to present your information to a committee for a decision, you must not only prepare a presentation that is simple, compelling, and easy to understand. You must ask your buyers what else the buying committee needs to know. Furthermore, you must ensure that your buyers can give a persuasive presentation of your material to their buying committee.
Plan for the Size of Your Audience
Prepare your presentation for the size of your meeting. If your audience is small, you must hand everyone a copy of your information. If your meeting is in a large room with a large audience, a screen presentation may work better to show the key points of your presentation.
Also, the larger the audience, the larger your gestures must be. Large expansive gestures to a large audience signal that you are including everyone in the room.
Know What, When, and Where
Your presentation must show that you understand who does what, when and where on your side and on the buyer’s side.
Before leaving the presentation, you must know that you and the buyer both know who does what, when, and where. Deals fall apart and future relationships fall apart when mistakes happen for a lack of understanding on either side of how the process works.
Keep It Simple
Keep your presentation simple. Have a key phrase that will deliver the benefits of your message. In presenting the iPod presentation, Steve Jobs focused on the ease and convenience of the iPod by saying, “A thousand tunes in your pocket.”
Be Positive
Going negative doesn’t increase the power of your persuasive presentations.
Keep it positive. Don’t trash your competitor. Handle objections in a way that shows you understand the buyer’s concerns. Focus on the benefits of your idea. You audience will want to buy when they see what they gain from accepting your proposal.
If you don’t have experience with your material, rehearse with another person. If you don’t have anyone to help you, rehearse your presentation in front of a mirror.
Persuasive presentations don’t always come easy.
The most successful presenters go over their presentation before stepping in front of the audience. Just as performers rehearse before a paid audience, give your audience, no matter the size of the audience, the presentation that will engage and convince them of the value of what you are offering.
I recently saw a famous entertainer perform in person. During his presentation, he said how hard he rehearsed every minute to prepare for his performances every performance before each show.
Persuasive Presentations: The Close
End with a call to action. For example, ask this type of question. “Should we begin on the first or second week of the month?”
In some cases, the buyer may buy before you get through your material.
If not, use trial closes to know where your buyer stands.