Keywords and Refinements: Search engines are like people in that they are more effective when they can understand what you are asking them to do. ~
Making your job search more effective, using search engines. Search engines return resumes based on keywords.
Keywords and Refinements
Start your internet search with job title, company, or other keywords, and preferred location.
Keyword and location are excellent starting points for your job search in a job search website. Other keywords might include might be phrases like these:
- Best companies in [name of city]
- Jobs in [name of city]
- All companies in [name of city]
- Name of job skills in [name of city].
Add refinements or filters. Google for Jobs and SimplyHired offer refinements for things like job category or industry. offers refinements in the sidebar for compensation, job type, and a few other refinements.
Browser Tip
A helpful tip is to open the job listing links in a separate tab or separate window. By using that technique, you will be able to work your way through the search results without having to re-enter you search.
Additional Keywords for Your Internet Job Search
Environmental, Geographic, Geological Skills
- Archeologist
- Cartographer
- Conservationist
- Ecologist
- Environmentalist
- Geographic Information Systems
- Oil and Gas Explorers
- Surveyor
Hands Skills
- Barber
- Beautician
- Carpenter
- Cook
- Cosmetologist
- Electrician
- Mechanic
- Plumber
- Truck driver
- Welder
Helping Skills
- Child Care Provider
- Counselor
- Hygienist
- Librarian
- Nurse
- Nutritionist
- Paramedic
- Teacher
- Therapist
- Trainer
Math, Science, Research Skills
- Accountant
- Assessor
- Architect
- Astronaut
- Biologist
- Chemist
- Chiropractor
- Computer Developer, Programmer
- Doctor
- Engineer
- Financial Advisor
- Geneticist
- Investigator
- Meteorologist
- Pharmacist
- Scientist
- Statistician
- Systems Analyst
- Veterinarian
Negotiation Skills
- Agent
- Broker
- Insurance
- Lawyer
- Salesperson
Leadership Skills
- Coach
- Editor
- Insurance
- Lawyer
- Manager
- Pilot
- Politician
- Producer
Large Team Skills
- Firefighter
- Police
- Military
Creative, Design, Performing Skills
- Advertising Executive
- Chef
- Designer
- Marketer
- Performer (Actor, Actress, Musician, Singer, Songwriter)
- Photographer
Language Skills
- News Reporter
- Translator
- Writer
On the Internet, everything is easier to find when you know where to look. And knowing where to look starts with keywords and refinements.