Interview Safety: when you feel safe and comfortable, you will have a better interview. Avoid the risks. Plan for your safety. ~

Interview Safety: 4 Steps to Avoiding Risks

Jay Wren The Moveable Career ~ Interview Safety: when you feel safe and comfortable, you will have a better interview. Avoid the risks. Plan for your safety. Here are 4 steps that many job seekers find effective.


The safety of the interview location is important.

Most interviewers will meet with applicants in public locations such as a hotel room, hotel lobby, coffee shop, restaurant, or airport arrival area.

Before going to the interview, look at the safety of the area where you are interviewing. If you are concerned, you might consider asking the interviewer at another location. If you remain concerned, you need to ask whether you want to take the risks of interviewing with the company.

Safety Contact

Let someone, friend or family, know you are going to the interview.  Arrange for the person to be available to take your call after your interview. You can use your cell-phone speaker or hands-free system to drive safely.

You can use your call to discuss your interview with this person waiting for your call.  Giving the person feedback on your interview will reinforce your memory and increase understanding of the interview.


If you are flying for an interview, learn how to connect with ground transportation before you leave on your trip. This information can make your transportation safer and save you time and energy during your travel.

Fly early in the day.  Just the eerie nature of a late-night empty airport is reason enough to travel early.

Interviewer Behavior

If the interviewer is lewd, profane, threatening, or violent, do the obvious. Leave the interview. Get in touch with friends or family as soon as possible. Let them know about your experience.

I am not a lawyer.  I can’t tell you how to handle legal matters.  If you believe that the interviewer has broken the law or harmed, seek direction from your friends and family. Additionally, you may consider contacting the proper authorities.

Interview Safety: The Safe Side

You may find that interviewing is interesting, maybe even fun.  Plan: think about your safety before making interview commitments.  You will have terrific interviews, and you may even land a great job.

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