In conflict, silence is not only a response; sometimes silence is the most powerful response. Jay Wren

Hurt Feelings

In sports, athletes and coaches decide whether an athlete should continue to play or stop and receive medical attention. Is the athlete hurt or injured.

A common phrase in sports is “Rub some dirt on it.” Athletes just take their mind off the little pains in sports and get physically and mentally back into the game.

Hurt feelings in the workplace can be like be pains in sports. Somebody may say something or behave in a way that hurts or feelings. The best response is to pause. Are we hurt or are we injured?

If we get angry and raise the issue to a higher level by saying or doing something to hurt the person’s feelings in return, we can make matters worse. The best response is to pause. We can put the issue out of our mind until our anger has passed. We can speak with someone to get advice. We can “rub some dirt on it” and continue to focus on our jobs for the day.

In sports and in relationships, no response or silence is the best response.