Employment References

Employment references are an important part of the job-seeking process.

Generally, companies will ask for professional references.  These are people with whom and for whom you have worked.  They often include former employers, co-workers, vendors, buyers, and people you know through business associations.  In addition, companies may ask for personal references.  These people are your neighbors, friends, professors, college, volunteer groups, and other relationships outside business.

Always ask a person’s permission before listing that person as a reference.

By doing so, you are treating your references with respect.  You are creating a positive relationship your references.  You are helping your references prepare to represent you when employers call to learn about their experience with you.  You help your references help you in a positive and supportive way.

Provide the references when the employer requests them.

Do not include your references with your resume.  Your list of references is confidential business information.  Only give the list of references to employers where you have an interest of employment and where you have a likelihood of employment.  Typically, job seekers give references through email.

The following format for a list of references is simple.

This format makes it easy for you to create a list of references.  The format is also easy for the hiring company to follow when checking your references.

Your Name
Your Street Address, City, ST ZIP Code
Your phone
Your Email

  1. Reference name
    Relationship with reference
    Location of relationship (company name, volunteer group, etc.)
    Reference title
    Dates of relationship
    Street Address
    City, ST ZIP Code
  2. Reference name
    Relationship with reference
    Location of relationship (company name, volunteer group, etc.)
    Reference title
    Dates of relationship
    Street Address
    City, ST ZIP Code
  3. Reference name
    Relationship with reference
    Location of relationship (company name, volunteer group, etc.)
    Reference title
    Dates of employment
    Street Address
    City, ST ZIP Code
  4. Reference name
    Relationship with reference
    Location of relationship (company name, volunteer group, etc.)
    Reference title
    Dates of relationship
    Street Address
    City, ST ZIP Code
  5. Reference name
    Relationship with reference
    Location of relationship (company name, volunteer group, etc.)
    Reference title
    Dates of relationship
    Street Address
    City, ST ZIP Code