Better Friends

Choosing Better Friends: Powerful Steps to a Happier, More Successful You

Choosing better friends is more than picking friends you like.  And it does not mean breaking ties with friends you cherish.

The Experience of Choosing Better Friends

As you make better friends, you will drift away from the friends who bring little value or even diminish your life.

Rather, choosing better friends is a means to develop relationships that can enrich your life personally and professionally.

Choosing Better Friends Who Make You Laugh

Friends should be a great source of joy and laughter.  These friends can help brighten your day by showing you that life is not always serious.  Additionally, these friends can bring you joy by helping you see the good in your life.

Choosing Better Friends Who Make You Think

Some friends can help you grow mentally and intellectually.  These people may hold different beliefs from your beliefs.  The reason for the difference is that these people have had different life experiences from you.  Therefore, they have developed different ways of looking at the world.  These people may make you pause and wonder about new ways to see the world.  Furthermore, you can grow from their life experiences.

Choosing Better Friends Who See Solutions

People who see solutions do not view the world as a series of problems. ~

Negative people focus on what is wrong.  Positive people focus on what is right.  However, problem solvers focus on correcting wrongs and improving the things that are right. These people get things done.  Additionally, they can help you see ways to make your world a better place.

Choosing Better Friends Who are Knowledgeable

It is good for me to remember that in school I seldom got 100% on all my exams.  Still today, I find that my friends are able to help me check the accuracy of my thinking.

In other, practical situations, my knowledgeable friends have shown the expertise to help me manage issues for which I had no experience.