Category Archives: Resumes

Common Resume Lies

Telling these lies on a resume creates complications for the applicant.

A few years ago, a human resources manager told me that a position he had filled had reopened for search.

He explained that a job applicant had lied on his application and on his resume.  The applicant stated that he had graduated from a university.  However, when the hiring company received a copy of the applicant’s college transcripts, the records indicated that the applicant had not graduated.

The most common resume lies are lies of omission.  Job applicants leave off a job or jobs.  In some cases, the applicant wants to hide an embarrassing reason for leaving a company.  In other cases, an applicant may want to make their experience show greater stability.

With all the years of tracking applicants, I have files on the careers of thousands of people.  I have thousands of resumes.  I have a good memory.  Many staffing professionals have similar resources.

Another common lie is about income.  Wanting to get the most out of a pay raise in making a job change, applicants write false income information on a job application.  It is quite common for employers to ask applicants for a check stub or a Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement – Internal Revenue Service.

Business Insider lists ten senior executives who lied about their credentials.  In each case, the lies of the executives became public.  One of the more interesting cases in the business article is the one of that of a Norwegian executive whose resume lies landed her in prison.

If you are going to lie on your resume, it is probably better that you not get advice from a corporate recruiter on how to do it.  Recruiters have contracts that require that they confirm the accuracy of the information applicants give to hiring companies.

10 Things to Leave Off Your Resume

Remember that a hiring manager will only spend seconds looking at your resume.  Cutting the clutter is critical to your resume getting you an interview.

Recognize that you are sending personal information that stays in computer files for months to years.

Ask two questions when you are writing your resume.

  • Will this information get you an interview?
  • Will this information create risks to you or your family?

With these two thoughts in mind, I recommend that you leave the following information off your resume.

1. Leave the statement “References provided upon request” off your resume. When employers want to conduct reference checks, they will ask you for references and tell you what type of people to include in your references.

2. Leave an objective off your resume. Your objective is clear from the fact that you are submitting your resume for a job.

3. Leave fancy designs or colors off your resume. Your resume is not a website.  It is a formal business document.

4. Leave letters of recommendation off your resume.  You can include letters of recommendation with your resume, but not in your resume.

5. Leave the word “Resume” off your resume.  You can put the word “resume” in the subject line of an email or in a cover letter, but do not title your resume, “Resume.”  Putting the title “Resume” at the top is similar putting the word “Letter” at the top of a letter or the word “Email” at the top of an email.

6. Unless your hobbies make you qualified for the job for which you are applying, leave your hobbies off your resume.  Your list of hobbies is a tiring distraction for hiring and staffing managers, who read dozens to hundreds of resumes.

7. Leave your picture off your resume.  If you are interviewing for a job that requires that you give pictures of yourself, create a portfolio.

8. Leave personal and confidential information off your resume.  The purpose of leaving this information off your resume is that you are releasing information that will not help you but may hurt you or your family.  Specifically, leave this information off your resume.

  • Leave your height and weight off your resume.
  • Leave your ethnicity off your resume.
  • Leave your physical description off your resume.
  • Leave your marital status and information about your children off your resume.
  • Leave your date of birth off your resume.
  • Leave your social security information off your resume.
  • Leave statements about your home ownership off your resume.
  • Leave your income off your resume.
  • Leave your financial information off your resume.
  • Unless this information qualifies you for a job, leave your political, religious, or social affiliations off your resume.

9. Leave anything negative about yourself off your resume: low or mediocre grade-point averages, career or business failures, criminal history, or statements about losing a job off your resume.

10. If you have attended college or trade schools, leave your grade school or high school information off your resume.

For more information

Cutting Weak Wording From Your Resume
Is a List of Core Responsibilities a Resume?
Is Your Resume a Success Story?

Will that Professionally Prepared Resume Get You a Job?

Will that Professionally Prepared Resume Get You a Job?  Some people spend a lot of money having a resume professionally prepared.  The result can be outstanding.  People who prepare resumes for a living have spent a lot of time and money learning how to prepare resumes.  These people provide a valuable service for clients.

It is each job seeker’s responsibility to have a resume.  The purpose of the resume is to provide recruiters and hiring managers with information that will get the job seeker interviews and job offers.

I have read that recruiters and hiring managers spend as little as six seconds looking at a resume.  As a recruiter, I can say that I spend just a few seconds deciding whether to save a resume or delete it.

I no doubt have missed resumes that just did not catch my eye as a fit.  I do not think that I am unusual.  Recruiters and hiring managers have specific information they are trying to find in a resume.  The following factors that can make those things hard to find:

  • The design in layout and colors
  • Long-winded summaries and objectives
  • A job seeker’s use of descriptive personal wording
  • A weak list of accomplishments, skills, and training

The format of a resume is important.  Microsoft Word has resume templates that to me are distracting in comparison to a simple word document that contains these three elements of information about the job seeker.

  • Contact information
  • Employment history and accomplishments
  • Education and training summary

If you are considering using a professional writer, I would evaluate the person on the following qualities:

  • Examples of their work
  • How comfortable you are about the person’s interest in developing your resume in a way that it can be tailored to specific company applications
  • How well the resume writer is able to create a resume that represents you and not how well it will display their styles

When recruiter or hiring manager opens your resume, the first thing the person should notice is the content not the style.  If the style draws your eyes to the content, then the resume is effective.

Resumes for Recent College Graduates


As you are graduating from college, you will be moving into a new phase of your career plan.  In receiving a bachelor’s degree or an advanced degree, you developed tremendous skills.  Those skills and the skills you developed through hobbies, college employment, and volunteer activity, have value to an employer

The courses you studied will often define the direction of your career.  If you majored in marketing analytics, your objective will most logically lead to to getting a job in the marketing department of a company that uses marketing analytics either in-house or as a service to other companies.  If you majored in elementary education, your objective would most likely be to get a job as a teacher.

Every resume begins with the following information:

Your name
Phone number
Email address

If you state a goal on your resume, be specific in terms of the type of job you are seeking.  A common mistake is to state a general objective that does not help the hiring manager know how there is a fit between your goals and the needs of the employer.  That hiring manager may read no further.

For example, compare the following statements:

Objective:  I am seeking a job that will challenge my skills and talents.


Objective:  I recently graduated with a degree in electrical engineering.  I am applying for a job with Electro Mega Servers International.

Something to think about on an individual basis is where on your resume you place the education information.  For people with a great deal of experience, the education summary normally goes at the bottom of the resume.  However, recent college graduates might benefit from placing the education experience at top of the resume.  The reason is that a person who has held a half dozen temporary jobs during college may immediately appear unstable to the hiring manager.  The resume may get tossed before the hiring manager realizes that the person had listed a number of college jobs and has only recently launched a career.
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Even after entering industry, any employment during college should go beneath the college experience. Most people stop listing the college jobs once they begin their career after college.

If you worked while attending college, any employment may add value to your resume for a several reasons. First, the fact that you worked during college, shows that you take initiative and have an interest in working.  Second, even some of the least important jobs you may have had could give a hiring manager the opportunity to make connections between the employer’s needs and your experience. Third, the places where you have worked may act as an icebreaker in conversations with the hiring manager. Fourth, there may be opportunities within a company beyond the opportunity for which you came in to interview, and your college employment may be a door opener for those other opportunities.

As you review your activities at school, socially, and in volunteer programs, you may recognize roles and responsibilities which have real value to a future employer and should be on your resume. For example, if you worked in developing a website for a charitable organization or managed a team of carpenters on the construction of a home for Habitat for Humanity, employers are going to see real value in these experiences.  Even clubs and societies that you joined while in college and in which you never had leadership roles may be helpful for the hiring manager to see value in your experience, perhaps even recognize experiences that the two of you share. Additionally volunteer projects speak to your character in reaching out to become a team player and your willingness to help other people.

Be certain to include all skills you have which may be appropriate for the job for which you are applying:

Foreign Languages
Software applications
Writing skills
Advanced math skills, and so forth.

Be especially aware of whether the skills fit the job requirements or a least lead to a long-term added value you could make to the company.

In conclusion, put your contact information at the top.  Perhaps next state you college experience.  If you state an objective, make it specific to the employer. Include those college jobs and volunteer activities and try to show how they might relate to the needs of the hiring company.

What ideas do you have to make your resume more effective?

Resumes for Managers

Here is a simple resume format.

Your name
Street address, City, State Zip
Home phone, Cell phone
Email address

Stating an objective or a giving a summary at the beginning of the resume is common practice.  Stating an objective or providing a summary is optional.


(Most recent job first)
Company Name; company Location, From –to
Most recent title, Location, From – to

Use bullet format.
•        List things you have accomplished.  Do not waste space on your just giving a job description.  List things that showed that you made a difference in the positions you held.
•        Use facts—for example, exceeded assigned sales goal by 30%, reduced costs, promoted people, saved time, increased productivity, etc.
•        Employers and recruiters search their databases for specific words, so list successes with specific industry words or functions.  Include the real name of your product categories, product names, sales accounts, functions (e.g., Profit & Loss, Market Research or Software Names, New Product Development, Market Insights, Innovation), etc.

Next List Previous Titles at this company and again list successes and accomplishments in bullet format.

Then include Previous Companies going back in time from most recent.

Normally, education goes at the bottom of the resume.  People who have recently received an educational degree or credential that alters their employability might consider putting education at the top of the resume.

Other items that might go at the bottom of the resume are awards, extra skills, volunteer work, or perhaps some relevant college employment.

Common Career Correspondence Mistakes and Steps to Avoid Them

The most common correspondence mistakes result from trying to do too much too quickly.  If you are making a career move, you are competing against people who are taking time to review each aspect of each piece of correspondence.  In you are writing for your current job, you want to write so that people will be able to focus on your message.  The information you release must be correct whether the information is on an envelope, a cover letter, an email, or a resume.

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Here is a check-off list to help you double check to see if you have avoided the common errors people make in correspondence:

    1. Spelling of the recipient’s name
    2. Spelling of the company’s name
    3. Use of a polite, cordial tone
    4. Referring to the correct position
    5. Referring to the same position on your cover letter and your resume
    6. Referring to the correct company
    7. Using black type and plain white paper
    8. Using facts (Anecdotes are not facts.)
    9. Using words and pictures for modeling and acting jobs
    10. Using words alone for all other jobs
    11. Using graphs very selectively
    12. Using the spell- and grammar-checking system in your word-processing software and your email application
    13. Proper use of pronouns (first person, not third person–that is, he, she, they)
    14. Signature on your cover letter

Suggestion: Get help from someone who can help you proofread your material.

What are methods you use to avoid correspondence mistakes?

Resume Related Articles
Is Your Resume a Success Story?
Resume Suggestions That Can Get You a Job
Is a List of Core Responsibilities a Resume?
How to Write Anything and Make it Easy to Read

Career Keywords for Resumes and Online Profiles

What are career keywords?  Career keywords are names of skills, experience, tools, places, and companies.

To find information on the Internet, search engines look up words or keywords.

Hiring managers use keywords to find matches between the words in job specifications and the words in resumes and online profiles.

Here are some examples of names that might help a hiring manager find you and, therefore, you might want to include in your resume and in your online profile.

    1. Names of companies where you have worked, especially names of prestigious companies in your field
    2. Names of schools you have attended
    3. Names of academic achievements: cum laude, dean’s list, first in graduating class
    4. Names of clients or key accounts
    5. Names of brands, products, or services you have developed
    6. Names of fields in which you worked
    7. Names of computer software or applications you know: C++, PowerPoint, JavaScript, Java, Google Documents, iOS, Android
    8. Names of certifications:  Certified Public Accountant, Certified Marriage and Family Counselor,  Credentialed Teacher, Licensed Driver of Commercial Vehicles
    9. Names of Hard skills:  Fluent in French, Typing Speed: 120 words per minute, Diesel Mechanic
    10. Names of Soft Skills:  Team Builder, Inter-departmental Facilitator, New-hire Mentor ranks words based on how often they appear in Internet search. You can test the effectiveness of keywords you are using in your resume and online profile by entering them into Google Trends.

What keywords have you found helpful?

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Common Correspondence Mistakes
Writing Letters That are Easy to Read
How to Write Anything and Make it Easy to Read
Is Your Resume a Success Story
Resume Suggestions That Can Get You a Job
Is a List of Core Responsibilities a Resume?

“The World’s Most Noble Headhunter”

Cutting Weak Wording From Your Resume

The people who invite you to an interview want to know what you have done and what happened as the result of what you have done. They are looking for measurable results.

Your competitors as job seekers are writing resumes to focus on career accomplishments and career keywords.

These words waste space and weaken your resume.
Team player
Love (i.e., Love to…)

=””>Is Your Resume a Success Story?
=””>Is a List of Core Responsibilities a Resume?

Is Your Resume a Mere List of Responsibilities?

Is Your Resume a Mere List of Responsibilities?

Take your resume to the next level by turning a list of responsibilities into a list of accomplishments.

Occasionally I see people write a resume that is a simple list of their core responsibilities.  The resume reads fine.  It adequately communicates the information about the responsibilities a person has had in a particular job.  The resume also explains the skills a person has developed.

However, a stronger resume is one that shows accomplishments when performing responsibilities.  You can easily turn a boring list of jobs into a resume that will get you a job.

For an example, a core responsibilities resume might state something like this statement:

  • Worked as a liaison between marketing and production
  • Kept the marketing informed on the status of product supply versus demand

However, an accomplishment-oriented resume might describe the same responsibilities, but the wording has more zing and creates a success story.  The wording discusses the same responsibilities but with the added punch of accomplishments and might read something like this:

  • As liaison between marketing and production, increased communication efficiency by 25% by implementing digital texting
  • Enabled marketing and production to respond with 100% accuracy to accelerate or decelerate production as required in the marketplace
  • Reduced costs thirty percent (30%) in the first six months on the job

Therefore, as you are looking over your resume, you might consider areas where you can use more effective wording to peak a hiring manager’s interest and to enable your resume to rise to the top of the pile by adding an accomplishments twist to what might otherwise be a bland recap of your duties.  Emphasize accomplishments and success.  Focus on areas where you made a difference.

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Is Your Resume a Success Story

Formatting Your Resume for the Internet

When sending a resume in an email or uploading your resume to a website, you want your resume to look as beautiful and read with the same impact that it has when you read it directly on your computer.

I work with all types of document extensions (that is, .doc, .txt, .docx, .pdf, .xls, .html, and others) on a daily basis.  I see many resumes.  I have found that the best word processing file format for a resume one that is created Microsoft Word© and saved with file the extension .doc.

Some website developers caution that Microsoft Word© can be problematic for web publishing software.  WordPress even has a special setting for dealing with Microsoft Word codes and has a help section on the problems with Apache Open Office formatted worksheets.  So I do not write a document in a worksheet and paste that document into my website.

However, the basic worksheet publishes on a web page and maintains the font settings for bold and normal, and works well as an upload or a copy and paste from a .doc.


 The following sentence, beginning with “This is a test,” is a direct copy and paste from a worksheet into this web page and did not involve any special settings.  Immediately after the copy and paste is a screenshot of the same worksheet.

This is a test of a copy and paste from a Microsoft Word worksheet as a direct copy and paste.



When writing a resume, avoid the tabs “insert” and “format.”

There is code in those tabs and that code delivers different results on different software.

Some people incorrectly believe that they can prevent their resume from being changed in any fashion by clicking the review tab at the top of a worksheet and clicking “Track Changes,” thereby marking up changes a person might make after receiving the resume.  However, a person can simply copy and paste the resume into a new document and save the new document instead of the one with the “Track Changes” setting and the markups on the document do not appear.

Therefore, you really do not want to use the “track changes” setting, because it can really make your resume ugly if it gets passed from person to person in a company’s hiring pyramid all marked up.  By the time your resume lands on the desk of the President of the hiring company, the resume may look something like this:


The brown paper bag of word processing is .txt (Notepad*).   Notepad is used most effectively as a text editor for websites and saved as an .html.  In .html, Notepad is the crown princess of the Internet.  However, it is not at all necessary to send your resume out in Notepad and have all the code and highlighting stripped out.  If you have your resume written in a worksheet .doc and paste your resume into a website form, most often, the forms strip the content down to text only.  Those forms with visual editors are not very common and are designed to work with worksheets.


Sending resumes through websites can be a challenging event.  A .pdf makes for a terrific downloading document.  However, for me they are kind of a brick, and if your resume gets passed through many hands on the way up to the executive office, somebody may need to make a note on your resume and may not be knowledgeable enough nor have the software to write on a .pdf.  As an aside and FYI, Google Documents can convert a .pdf to a worksheet, if you need to edit the document.  The service is free.

.docx:  .docx arrived with Microsoft Office 2007 and is very dynamic yet appears to be problematic for some people.   The issue with .docx is that some .html uploading software still cannot process .docx correctly and your resume may not get uploaded nor will the software indicate that the upload submission did not actually upload.  However, if you prefer to send us .pdf or .docx, we are fortunate to be able to handle anything short of a stone tablet.


I rarely see anyone use .xls (Microsoft Excel ) so if you are thinking about it, forget it.  I get about one resume a year in Excel or an .xls.  It marks a person as some who sees himself (never got an .xls from a woman) as the only person in step as the parade goes marching by.  Occasionally, I get emailed a linked resume (.html).  Really?  You want my computer to go to the trouble to pop open your link so I can see your resume on the World Wide Web.  And?  Just send me a .doc like the rest of sane humanity!