Category Archives: Quotes

Toxic People

Toxic People: How to Deal with Destructive Personalities

Toxic people create stress that spreads throughout an organization. What are the skills that you can develop not only to survive but to grow around destructive personalities?

Change What You Control

If you can control the actions of toxic people, your first step is to stop what these people are doing.  The way that I have ended toxic behavior is confronting these people with the facts of their actions.  From there, I have shown them the price they will pay if they continue their destructive behavior.

Avoid the Poison.

When I can’t change the behavior of toxic people, I avoid them. If there is no reason to have to deal with them, I don’t.

Skills for Becoming a Healthier Person

Toxic people: When you can’t fight them, don’t join them.  However, make yourself healthier.

When I can’t change the behavior of toxic people or avoid these people altogether, I focus on the changes I can make in myself to become a healthier person.

Here are some things that work for me.

1. I write about my feelings.

In writing about my emotions, I name my feelings.  Fear, anger anxiety, insecurity, and resentment are common feelings that people have around toxic people. You may have other bad feelings. When I experience these feelings, I write about them.

2. I write about my actions.

In this step, I can see what things I can change in my own behavior to reduce the damage in a toxic relationship.  For example, if I act out of anger, I can change my actions.

3. I discuss what I am feeling with a mentor.

One of the problems with writing about my feelings is that I have trouble seeing solutions.  Instead I focus on how people have harmed me.

However, I have close friends I can trust.  These people keep what I tell them a secret.  These friends are mentors who show me how I can grow and improve my behavior.

Job Search Timing 1

Job Search Timing: The Things You Must Know

ob search timing. Is this the right time in your career to make a job change? What are the things you must know to answer this question?

Success is greatest when timing meets necessity. ~

Are You in the Wrong Job?

Here are some questions that will help you know that it’s time to consider a job search.

  1. Is every day a crisis?
  2. Do you feel burned out and can no longer do your job?
  3. Is the culture toxic?
  4. Have you outgrown your job and cannot get greater responsibility?
  5. Is your company in financial or performance trouble?
  6. Does your company fire people unexpectedly and seemingly without cause?
  7. Is your commute too far or too expensive?
  8. Are underpaid?

Are Your Problems Temporary?

Notice that in the last paragraph that I said “consider a job search.”

Some of these problems can change over time.   If you spend the time making your current job better instead of spending that time on a job search, you may find staying in your current job helps you several ways.

Here are some ideas on ways to improve you working conditions.

  1. Take more breaks.
  2. Do not work during coffee breaks or lunch.
  3. Leave your work at your workplace.
  4. Do not work around the clock or seven days a week.
  5. Take vacations.
  6. Learn methods to relieve stress and develop a positive attitude.
  7. Ask for a pay raise.
  8. Avoid toxic people.

Job Search Timing and Risk

There are risks of going to a new workplace.

First, you may find that the problems at one workplace exist at the next work place.  You are only moving from one rut to another rut.  Changing jobs in this case would be a huge mistake, especially if you are walking away from accumulated benefits and tenure.

Second, you may find that the new job solves one problem but brings on other problems.  For example, you leave your current job and get more money.  However, you find that the culture or workload are a disaster.

Third, the offer that you negotiate may be an increase.  However, you find that there are hidden expenses at your new job.

  • Commuting costs
  • Clothing costs
  • Insurance Costs
  • Increased taxes
  • Lost vacation
  • Unrealistic bonus expectations

Is Your Job Search Timing the Best for You Mentally and Financially?

A job search is certainly a lot of work. It takes planning, time, effort, and money.   There are risks of losing your current job while you are looking for a new job. Furthermore, a job search is a numbers game.  Contacting more people will increase the likelihood that you get a job.  However, as more people who learn that you are in a job search, you will increase the risk of your employer learning that you are looking around.

These factors are stressful.  You must ask yourself if you are in a position to conduct a job search.

Do You Even Want a New Job?

Starting a new job is full of changes.

For example, you will meet new people and must build new relationships.  Second, you may find the new culture is a complete shock.  Furthermore, you may find that your current skills don’t align as well as you had hoped in your new job.  Additionally, you will have a new boss to impress and to understand.


With job search timing, you increase your success in landing the job you deserve.  Before you launch a job search, look at all the factors to decide whether the timing is the best for your efforts to find a new job.

Become Discovered

Become Discovered: How Powerful People Find Great Jobs

Become discovered: You have all the skills, the talent, intelligence, charisma, and emotional intelligence for success.  But what does it matter if no one knows?

To Become Discovered, Spread the Word.

Retailers, manufacturers, and service providers have resources for putting their name out there.  They run ads in print, radio, television, social media, and billboards.

Furthermore, they sponsor public events.  They take part in community service projects with volunteers and donations.  Their executives do interviews on mass media.

Additionally, these companies have the money and the professional support to engage shoppers and spread the word.  The know how to become discovered.

To Become Discovered in a Confidential Job Search

You can use the same principles of putting your name out here as companies use.

Furthermore, you can promote your job search with nominal expense and minimal exposure.

Here are some suggestions.


There are pluses and minuses to using headhunters.  The top recruiters represent companies that offer more than a job.  They offer great opportunities for a career with long-term professional and financial growth.

Furthermore, unlike some employment agencies, headhunters don’t charge the job seeker a fee for helping them find a job.  The hiring companies pay the fee.

If you are uncertain about the terms of working with headhunter, ask the recruiter directly who pays the placement fee or any other recruiting costs.

Applying for a Job In-Person

When you apply for a job in person, bring the information with you that you need to complete an application.  Some examples include your salary history, job history, and references.


Sending recruiters and hiring managers your resume is an essential step to become discovered in a professional career.

Important point:  you don’t need permission to send your resume.  All you need is a postal address, email address, or a website upload link.

Recruiters on LinkedIn, often have their email address on their LinkedIn profile.


Volunteering for activities where you can use your professional skills is a way to expand your network and become discovered.  These volunteering opportunities can help you meet employers and meet people who know employers.

Internet Profiles

You can post your profile in multiple places on the Internet. The best places include LinkedIn, Facebook, Google Plus, and Twitter.

Speaking Opportunities

If you have the skills and the contacts to speak in front of audiences, you can become discovered for your skills and experience at events where employers will see you.

Based on your skills and education, your opportunities to speak or do interviews can vary from mass media to trade shows or college programs.

When I worked for Polaroid, I would contact local television stations to give interviews and discuss new cameras.


Just as retailers, manufacturers, and service providers do, you can become discovered by putting your name out there where the best people will find it.

Job Change 1

Job Change: 4 Powerful Steps Executive Officers Use

ob Change: What are the things you must know to conduct a successful job search? These four tips might help you launch the career you deserve.

Making a Job Change

Scott Wallace is a CPG executive officer and a long-time client.  Recently, he asked me to help two undergrads launch their career.  Here is the note that he sent me for the subjects he wanted me to cover:

“As discussed, interview skills, LinkedIn profile help, social media watch outs, resume pointers, business grammar and anything else you can think is helpful.”

I appreciated his direction.  Furthermore, taking his points one at a time, I was able to examine the approach that successful professionals use in launching or relaunching their career.

Interview Skills

Fifty percent of the effort for the best interviews is in the preparation. ~

Interview Preparation: Are you frustrated with rejection when you have the qualifications for the job? These three steps will help.

Prepare to discuss these three subjects:

  1. The details of your career challenges and success
  2. Everything you can learn about the hiring company
  3. The match between your skills and the job qualifications

You can read more on interview preparation on this blog post:

Interview Preparation: Three Steps That Will Land You the Job

LinkedIn Profile and Social Media Watch Outs

LinkedIn is the leading professional social media website.  It is the best website for networking.  Furthermore, it is one of the best websites for creating an Internet Profile.

However, there are principles that apply for creating a powerful Internet profile across all social media.  These principles include the things that you should do and the things that you should not do.

In the following article, I detail how to create a powerful and engaging social media presence.

Internet Profile: Creating Your Internet Brand


“Resumes must close the sale on getting a job interview.” ~

Do you have all the qualifications and are not getting job interviews?  Look at your resume.  Additionally, look to see whether your resume shows how your skills match the job qualifications.

From there, compare your resume to the example in the following blog post.

Resumes Must Close the Sale on Getting a Job Interview

Business Grammar

Business writing is a broader view of business grammar.  Additionally, the essential skill of business writing is vital to career success.

In the following article, I discuss 4 steps to writing clearly and effectively.

Business Writing: A Skill that Successful People Master

Business Writing

Business Writing: A Skill that Successful People Master

Business writing is a skill everyone can learn.

Writing is part of the job for most business professionals.  Business writing includes emails, proposals, contracts, Internet posts, letters, business plans, memorandums, reports, job descriptions, and resumes.

The measure of effective writing is how well the reader can understand the writer’s message.  Therefore, the writer must carry the reader’s attention and understanding from the first word to the last word in a piece of communications.

Here are 4 steps to writing clearly and effectively.

1. First Paragraph.

The first paragraph must prepare readers for what you are going to tell them.  If there are two or more subjects, list each of these subjects in the opening paragraph.

2. Use Subheadings.

The reader may only have enough time to scan for information.  Helping the reader with subheadings makes your key points stand out from the details that support those key points.

You can create subheadings in at least three ways.

  1. Put the subheading in bold letters.
  2. Make the subheading ALL CAPS.
  3. If available, use a word processing software setting for subheadings.

3. Transition Words

When you are continuing with the same subject and want to emphasize a new element or thought from one sentence to the next, use transition words.   Here are some examples of words that carry your reader’s attention as you expand on your topic: furthermore, additionally, indeed, for example, first, second, third.

4. Grammar and Spelling

Grammar and spelling are as important as content.  Grammatical errors and spelling errors not only distract from your message.  These errors undermine the credibility of your message.

Carefully review what you have written.  Use word processing software to check for mistakes.

Ask other people to proofread your material.  In this case, I ask you the reader to let me know if see any mistakes in my writing.  On the About page of this website, there is a contact form to make it easy for you to give me feedback.

Business Writing: Conclusion

In conclusion, the formula for business writing anything is simple.

State the subject in the opening sentence.

Use subheadings to transition from one subject to another.

Additionally, use transition words to guide your reader’s attention as you transition from one point to the next.

Equally important, make your grammar and spelling perfect.

When you make your writing easier to read, you will be far more successful in communicating with your readers.

Internet Profile: Creating Your Internet Brand

Internet Profile: your internet profile is more than your identity on the Internet.  This profile becomes your personal and professional brand. ~

The Contents of an Internet Profile

An online profile has some or all the following elements:

  • Your name
  • Picture
  • Skills
  • Employment
  • Education
  • Training
  • Accomplishments
  • And your comments and likes.

When you publish your profile online, you have listed yourself in Internet databases across multiple search engines.  For example, search Jay Wren and you will find multiple listings of my Internet profile.

Your Internet Brand

What you write about yourself and what you comment and like become your Internet brand.

Your internet profile shapes the way people think and feel about you.

Controversy and Risks

Sex, politics, race, religion, and sports are topics that can stain your online profile.  These issues are polarizing.  People who disagree with your opinions on these subjects have a visceral aversion to you.

Buyers and employers flee when they see online profiles that make them dislike the person or company.

Therefore, only post comments that create the impression you want to create.  If you have a career in politics, sports, or religion, post about those subjects.  However, be aware that what you say on the Internet can have a lasting effect on your reputation.  Once your comments and posts are out there, deleting them without a trace can be difficult.

Where Do You Publish Your Internet Profile?

You publish your online profile on websites.  Many people have online profiles on more than one website.  For example, I have my business profile on my website and on LinkedIn.

Furthermore, you can create greater awareness by linking your profile on one site to your accounts at other sites.  I have a Twitter account, a Pinterest account, a Facebook page and a Flickr account that link back to this website.

Benefits from Your Online Profile

  1. If you publish your online profile on your own website, you can sell goods and services directly from your website.  In this case, you have more freedom and control over your content and the brand image you wish to create.
  2. Once you have established an online profile on most social media sites, you can create groups that bring people together.  A group attracts members who create content that in turn attracts other people to become aware of your profile from your online group.
  3. You can extend your professional network and build relationships by helping people through connections, recommendations, or introductions.
  4. In turn, these people can help you make connections, receive recommendations, and make introductions to new people.
  5. Your online profile is important to help you set up an image as a person or a company.  Through your updates to your online profile, you build your brand.
  6. Your posts on your profile become like a newsletter and makes it possible for people to follow your updates.

Content in Your Profile

For search engines, content is king.  Whenever you post anything on the Internet, you are creating content.  As you create content, your name or your company name appears more often in search engine results.

Some companies divert money from advertising to the cost of creating content on social media.  By posting content on a regular basis, you create awareness, interest, and engagement.  Where you start is through creating your online profile.

Top 10 Cities for Job Growth

Top 10 Cities for Job Growth

Job Growth: Map of 10 leading cities to plan a career. Other maps: largest retail companies, largest consumer products companies, 75 of largest employers.

Top 10 Cities for Job Growth

Source:  Top 10 Cities & States for Job Growth | W. P. Carey School of Business

Other Maps:

100 Top U.S. Retailers and Where to Find Them

Top 100 Consumer Products Companies

75 of America’s Largest Employers – Mapped


Productivity: 5 Things Highly Successful People Do Differently

Being busy means nothing.  Success comes from getting things done. ~

Productivity: Some people have a successful career based on their ability to get things done. Other people accomplish less and their careers fail. Why?

1. Have a Simple Productivity Process

Bricklayers start the day with the same tools and supplies.  From there they lay one brick.  Then another brick.  By the end of the day, bricklayers have finished a section of a wall or a complete wall.

Each day they use the same process to build walls.  They finish a project.  Then, using the same simple process, they start a new project.

2. Stay on Tasks

Productive people finish one task before starting on the next task.  They cut the wasted time of going back and forth between tasks.  Through the day, they steadily complete more tasks than people who waste time going back and for between tasks.

3. Eliminate Distractions.

Focus is as much about what you don’t think about as it is what you do think about.  If a phone is not important to their work, productive people turn off their phones.

Successful people cut the noise that disturbs their focus.  They don’t listen to music or podcasts and they don’t have the television on in the background.

4. Take Breaks that Clear the Mind

Snack breaks and lunch breaks cut the energy loss from hunger.  Furthermore, sitting quietly clears your mind and restores your energy and focus.

5. Schedule a Time for Distractions

Yes, schedule specific times for distractions. Scheduling time to surf the web and play with cell phones cuts the risk of distraction during work.

The time to schedule distractions is before we schedule our work.  Scheduling distraction time cuts the feeling of being deprived.  Furthermore, knowing that we have a time specifically for distractions reinforces the awareness of cutting distractions from the periods of work.


Simplicity: The Essential Leadership Skill for Success

Simplicity: As situations become more complex, simplicity is a powerful tool. How do leaders eliminate the clutter to create success?

Simplicity creates clarity and empowers leaders to remove the roadblocks to success.

The Clarity of Simplicity

Simplicity creates clarity.

  • When leaders speak with simplicity, their message is easier to understand.
  • Simplifying their schedule creates clarity on the things that leaders must do to be effective.
  • Creating simple strategies clarifies the mission and reduces mistakes.
  • Simplifying product mix and services creates clarity in the purpose of the company.
  • The clarity of simplicity throughout an organization empowers the organization to do the big things that count the most.

Simplicity and Priorities

The most important things don’t automatically become visible.  Simplicity helps leaders see what is important.

To speak effectively, leaders eliminate the words and ideas that are not important.  Therefore, the only thing left to say are the simple things that effectively make the leader’s point.

Likewise, leaders must know the actions that are distractions and the actions that are essential.  They eliminate everything that is a waste of time.

On a grander scale, leaders of large companies simplify product mix to the products that guarantee the greatest success in sales, market share, and profits.  Simplifying successful product mix by eliminating the products that detract from the company’s successful products is one of the greatest and most important challenges in leadership.

Stating the Purpose Increases Simplicity

Employees must know what to do.  Without stating the purpose, leaders leave employees to find their own purpose and to work on projects that take them further away from the goal.

In product development, the first step is to state the purpose of not just the project but, also, of the product.

Case Study Statement: “The purpose of the project is to create a hand soap.  The purpose of the new hand soap is to increase market share through increased product effectiveness.”

This step simplifies the focus and makes developers stick to the mission.

From there, developers and project managers must use this focus to create a project plan.  With this plan, developers and project managers can stay on task and measure progress against milestones.

Simplicity Reduces Stress and Increases Engagement

Focused people have a present-moment experience that eliminates the stress of a cluttered mind.  Furthermore, a focused mind is more engaged in work and less engaged in distracting thoughts that create fear and regret.


Happiness: Making Better Choices About How We Feel

Happiness is easy when everything is going our way. Some people seem happy all the time. How can we be happy even when life is challenging?

Feeling unhappy is normal.  Staying unhappy is not.  ~

Happiness Takes Place Inside of Our Head.

When things frustrate, disappoint, or anger us, we feel unhappy.

These unhappy feelings have a healthy purpose.  They alert us to problems.  The discomfort of unhappiness motivates us to make changes either in ourselves or our circumstances.

When we are mentally and emotionally healthy, we can make these changes.

Furthermore, realizing that feelings take place inside of us helps us understand that we can have control over our feelings.

The Questions for Overcoming Unhappiness.

First, can we simply let the feelings pass?  Thinking about the unhappy experience heightens our unhappiness.  Even years later, when we think of bad experiences, the unhappy feelings can return.  Therefore, not thinking about the cause of our unhappiness allows us to find happiness and return to the present moment.  A process for letting feelings pass is to sit with a feeling and focus on the feeling, not the things that we think are causing our unhappiness.

Second, can we change things that make us unhappy?  If we can, we can concentrate on solutions and not the problem.

Third, is the situation beyond our control? We can concentrate on not making the situation worse. Furthermore, we can avoid repeating mistakes that we made to create the problem.

Fourth, what is our role in the problem? Nobody enjoys looking at their mistakes. Why should we look at our role in the problem when we can blame other people, places, or things? A useful process is to write why we are unhappy. We include in our description what happened and how it affected us. Then we look at our role in creating the problem. From there we correct the mistakes that we made. In this process, we find that we can more easily accept what happened and move on beyond our happiness.

Fifth, is our unhappiness mood related?  To understand how moods affect the things that make us unhappy, pay attention to what is going on when the unhappiness returns.  Are you hungry, tired, or lonely?  These things and other things push us into lower moods.  Consequently, the things that make us unhappy swing into force with our moods.