Category Archives: Quotes

Interview Preparation

Interview Preparation: Three Steps That Will Land You the Job

Interview Preparation: Are you frustrated with rejection when you have the qualifications for the job? These three steps will help.

Fifty percent of the effort for the best interviews is in the preparation. ~

There are three distinct steps in preparing for an interview.

#1 Interview Preparation: Everything About You

In the first step, review your qualifications.  This step will organize your thinking about the things you want the interviewer to know about you.

In writing your resume, you will have begun to work on this step.  Ensure that you can discuss from memory the dates and places where you where you have worked.  Furthermore, prepare to present your qualifications as accomplishments.

In the United States, applicants for jobs in research, education, and medicine often use a curriculum vitae.

# 2 Interview Preparation: Everything About the Company

The second step in preparing for an interview is to research the company and research the people at the company where you are interviewing.

The Internet is a powerful tool in this step.

Research the directions to location of the interview. Your smartphone can direct you to the location.  However, having to follow your smartphone in traffic is stress that you don’t need.  Additionally, know where to park before you arrive at your destination.

Furthermore, is this a location where you want to work?
Then, research the details of the company business.  What is unique about the company?  Why do you want to work for this company?  Can you explain to the interviewer the reasons you find the company attractive?

Additionally, learn about the people you will meet.  Are these people you want to work with every day? Can you tell the interviewers why you are excited to meet them?

Thoroughly understand the experience and qualifications listed in the job description.  If the company does not publish a job description, find job descriptions for similar jobs at other companies.

#3 Interview Preparation: Everything About the Match

Prepare to discuss how your qualifications are a match for the job and for the company that is interviewing you.  In this step, merge the preparation you have done on presenting your qualifications with your research on the company.

Furthermore, show how you experience makes you the perfect match with the job requirements.

Based on your research, make a list of the things you don’t know about the job and the company.  Prepare questions that you fill in the gaps between what you know and what you need to know.

Do mock presentations.  Become confident that you can show that you are the best candidate for the job.

In Conclusion

You are competing against other candidates.  Most of them have the qualifications to get the job.  Separate yourself from the competition by using the steps in this article to prepare for the interview.


Synergy: Increasing Success By Creating Great Teams

Synergy: How do companies create teams that produce greater results together than the total results of the team members working separately?

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” ~ Aristotle

Collaboration and Synergy

Synergy is the process of combining the efforts of individuals or organizations to produce greater results together than the total the combined results from working alone.

For example, let’s say that companies X, Y, and Z earn a total of $5 million working separately.  However, by merging their efforts, these three companies earn $10 million dollars working together.

“The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.”

Firsthand Experience

There are multiple reasons why synergy is so effective.  One of the reasons is that synergy fills in the gaps of knowledge among individuals or among individual organizations.

A simple example is my experience in teaming up with other recruiters to share work. Together, we each made more money by combining our resources than each of us would have made working alone.  I had recruiting contracts and job applicants.  The other firms had different recruiting contracts and different job applicants.

By working with each other, we could accelerate filling jobs by helping each other find job applicants for our recruiting contracts.

Synergy in Project Teams

In most companies, departments work separately to do their jobs.  Sales planning does sales planning.  Marketing does marketing.  Manufacturing does manufacturing.

But some projects require knowledge from each of these departments.  Collaboration empowers teams from separate departments to produce greater results by filling in the knowledge gaps.

 Synergy in Working with Specialists

Collaborating with specialists helps people focus on what they do best. For example, writers know how to write.  Some writers can do a reasonable job of editing their own work.  Also, most writers can figure out how to copyright their material.  However, writers can produce far more material by just writing and having experts handle the other tasks in publishing a book.

Grumpy versus Grateful Life Choices

Grumpy versus Grateful: Do We Have a Choice in How We Feel Today?

Grumpy versus Grateful: Why is it that some people manage to find happiness during tough times?
Choosing to Feel Happy Is Good for Our Health.”  ~

Grumpy versus Grateful: Why Does It Matter?

Few people choose to make themselves unhappy. However, many people are unhappy.  Additionally, many of those people don’t know that they have choices in how they feel.

In the case of our careers, holding on to painful feelings can lead to career-ending job burnout.

A Grumpy Versus Grateful List

Here is a comparison table of what I have in mind.  Do you see your job for the things that gripe you or the things that make you can feel grateful?

Grumpy List versus Gratitude List
Negatives Positives
 Income Uncertainty  I have food on the table.
 Long Commute  I have free time for podcasts, music, and radio talk shows.
 Stupid Co-workers  I can lead the team with fresh ideas.
 Boring work  I can infuse my work with creativity.
 Noisy Place   I can focus on my work and not the distractions
 Work is not fulfilling.   I can volunteer for exciting projects.
 Job futility  I create a plan for better tomorrows.

Straight to Grateful

Making a gratitude list every day is one way to ease the pain of tough times.  Another way to feel grateful is to think of some of the good things in our lives before we go to sleep.

Grumpiness Is a Painful, Infectious Life Choice.

Even the most compassionate people struggle to deal with a person who is continually griping.  Constantly having to listen to negativity from other people creates negativity in ourselves.

To draw an analogy, negativity is like an infectious disease.  It spreads from one person to the other.  For example, therapists become infected from listening to the problems of their clients. Because of the negative impact of their jobs, many mental therapists seek help from other therapists to recover from doing their job.

Attitude of Gratitude

In conclusion, gratitude is one of the tools for dealing with tough times.  The method above and other methods of writing things about our troubles can help take the power out of negative thoughts and feelings.

It is healthy to check in with friends to get their ideas on solving problems.

However, it is not okay to hold pity parties for ourselves when we are alone or when we are speaking other people.

Sometimes, just realizing that we have a choice about how we feel is all we need to begin to take the steps to feel grateful.

Empower: The greatest leaders empower the people they lead.

Empowering Teams: How Leaders Create Success

Empowering Teams: How Leaders Create Success. When a team performs below the sum of its members’ abilities, has leadership failed?

The greatest leaders empower the people they lead.”

Empowering Teams: Leaders use different methods to create powerful teams and reduce turnover. Here are some simple steps that any leader can use.

Empowering Teams: How Leaders Create Powerful Teams and Reduce Turnover.

Leaders use different methods to create powerful teams and reduce turnover.  Here are some methods that simply work.

Keep an open door with your team members.

It is one thing to ask your team members to respect your time.  It is quite another to block them off just because you can’t be bothered.

Encourage your team members to give you feedback and updates.   Set up a list of things that they must tell you about no matter what.

Give directions that can’t be misunderstood.

Tell the people what you want them to do.  Then ask them to tell you what they understand about what you have told them.

Having your team members do work that does not achieve the goals, only to have to do it again, frustrates them.

Giving them clear direction helps them be more successful and feel engaged and successful.

Text and Email with a Purpose.

Before you send a text or an email, write down the purpose of the message.

Use Critiques to Increase Competence.

Finding fault just discourages your team.  Take a minute to make sure that they understand what you expect them to do.

Criticism creates stress.  Helpful, clear direction creates engagement and increases competence.

Give Progress Updates and Interim Encouragement.

Check the progress your team is making on projects.  Update the team members with changes and corrections as work progresses.  Encourage team members to continue the good work they are doing.

Delegate, but don’t abdicate.

Empower team members to make decisions.  State clearly how much authority that they have and how you expect them to use that authority.

However, don’t just assume that they will do everything the way you expect.  Check in with them often to encourage them and to keep them focused.

Use Emotional Intelligence as a Tool for Success.

Emotional Intelligence is the process of responding with intelligence and giving direction based on the best interest of the business.  It is easy to let your ego take over and run roughshod over your team members.

Sometimes, you must be firm.  However, angry outbursts don’t work effectively with every team member.

Carefully gauge how you respond emotionally based on the conditions and based on the emotional intelligence of the team member.

Interview Feedback 2

Interview Feedback: How a Thank You Letter Can Land You a Job

Interview Feedback: Have you had interviews and have no idea how well the interview went? A thank you letter can help you land the job.

“If you need interview feedback, sometimes all you need to do is ask for it.”

Interview Feedback: How A Thank You Letter Can Land You a Job

After an interview, you should always send a thank you letter to your interviewer. You are in competition with other candidates.  Therefore, setting yourself apart from those candidates is important in getting a job offer.

A Thank-You Letter Can Help You Do Several Things.

You can reinforce your interest in the job.  Additionally, you can reinforce your qualifications for the job.

Also, the thank you letter gives you an opportunity to ask for interview feedback and to ask for another meeting.

Who Gets an Interview Thank You Letter?

Send a thank you letter to everyone who met you.  If you are working with a recruiter, send the letter to the hiring managers and a blind copy the recruiter.  Recruiters have an interesting role between you and the company.  They can help reinforce your interests and your qualifications for the job.  Keeping the recruiters informed is important to enabling them to help you.

Note that both letters have a call to action: that is, you ask for a time to meet again.

Email or Postal Letter?

A thank you email helps you respond promptly.

A thank you letter is more formal and more impressive.

These formats will help you write a post-interview thank you letter in either format.

Sample Email Thank-You Letter

Name of Recipient:

The purpose of this email is to thank you for meeting with me to discuss my qualifications for the [name of position].

I am excited about your opportunity.

When may I meet with you again to discuss your opportunity further?

Thank you,

Your Name
Phone Number
Email address

Postal Thank-You Letter

I created a lengthier, more detailed discussion that might help you remind the hiring manager of your qualifications and your interest.  You can add a discussion like the one in the postal cover letter to the email cover letter as well.

Your information

Street address
City, state, zip
Phone number
Email address


Contact’s information

Name, titles
Company name
Street address
City, state, zip
Phone number
Email address

Dear [Name of Hiring Manager]:

Thank you for meeting with me this morning.  After our meeting, I am even more excited about the possibility of working for your company.

I believe that I can contribute at once to your business.  Furthermore, I have accomplishments in the following areas that crossover to the job you have available:

Increased administrative efficiency 20%
Reduced 3rd-party contract costs 30%
Trained 6 new hires, all of whom have been promoted
Four-year member of the President Sales Club.

Your description of the responsibilities, the team environment, and the growth plan for your company tell me that your job is the job I want and that your company is the place where I want to work.

I look forward to being invited back for another meeting.

When may I speak with you again?

Thank you again for your time.


Your Signature

Your Name Typed

In Conclusion

In these examples, I created two bodies of content.  The shorter you make your letter the better. However, if you believe that making the letter more detailed, and therefore, longer to read will help you get to a job offer.

Phone Interviews: Are they a waste of time? Why am I wasting my time with a phone interview?

Phone Interviews: Are they a waste of time?

hone Interviews: Are they a waste of time?

The Essential Phone Interview Handbook by Paul Bailo

Do you really need to bother preparing for phone interviews?  It is just a phone call.  It is not as though the person on the phone can see you.  Can you accomplish anything at all?

You’ve already invested time applying for the job.  You have filled out and application.  You may have completed a web-based questionnaire.

Now you are ready to get face-to-face with people at the hiring company.

But you can’t meet face-to-face, because you must speak with some screener on the phone.

Assume Nothing.

The person on the phone plays a real role in your getting a job with the company.  Even if you never speak with that person again, you cannot get a face-to-face meeting without their recommendation.  Furthermore, the person on the phone may be someone who will be involved with you throughout your career with the hiring company.  Getting off on the right foot may pay huge dividends down the line.

Make it Real.

Prepare as though you are going to a real interview.

Have these things on your desk:

  • Your resume
  • The job description
  • A list of key points you wish to make about how your experience qualifies you for this specific job
  • A list of questions

Select your interview place carefully.

  • Pick a quiet room.
  • Have a glass of water handy.
  • Pick a comfortable chair.
  • Don’t drive! 

Even though you are on the phone, let your personality shine.

  • Smile.  You will project warmth even though the interview cannot see you.
  • Listen to the interviewer’s questions.  Answer the questions. Do not just a reply to the question.
  • Remember to take a silent deep breath from time to time.
  • Say positive things about yourself and about your employer.
  • The reason you are interviewing with the new company is that they offer things you cannot get from your current company.
  • Make sure you understand the question before you answer it.

Remember to focus.

  • Make your answers detailed but to the point.
  • Allow the interviewer a chance to speak.
  • Ask trial close questions: for example, ask the interviewer when the company will decide.
  • Emphasize that you are interested in going forward for with the opportunity.

Do Not:

  • Interrupt the call to take another call.
  • Allow people to disturb you.
  • Certainly, do not multitask.
  • Interrupt the interviewer.
  • No jokes! Do not try to tell a joke.
  • Do not fake your answers. If you do not know that answer to a random question, just say so.
  • Again, Do Not Drive!

Remember to close on an upbeat.

Thank the interviewer for taking time to speak with you.  Emphasize that you hope to have a chance to speak again.

Fear =/=Respect

Fear is what people say behind your back.

Fear is not equal to respect.

Fear is what people say behind your back.

Respect is what people say to your face.  You can push people with fear.  You can fight people with fear.  But you can’t lead people with fear.  That takes respect.

Want Respect? Do These 8 Things.

1. Give Credit.

People gain respect when they give credit to the correct person.  Giving credit is a compliment with substance.

On the other hand, people who claim credit for the work of other people lose respect.   People who know that these people are undeserving of that credit will resent the dishonesty.

If you give credit, you will get respect and make your company stronger.

2. Admit Mistakes.
Everyone makes mistakes.  Successful people admit them and do not repeat them.  People will respect you if you correct your mistakes and move on.

Don’t make excuses for failing to do your work.  Be honest.  You just did not do the work.  You regret it.  When you admit your mistakes and not repeat them, you will get respect.

3. Do Your Job.

Get a copy of your job description.  Read it with your boss.  Discuss regularly with your boss what you are doing.  When you are uncertain about what you are doing, ask your boss for information.

Be conscientious about the way you do your job.

Your boss will respect you for knowing and doing what you are supposed to do.  Your co-workers will respect you.

4. Let Other People Do Their Job.

There are two parts to letting people do their job.

First, do not do let people take advantage of you.  Being a team player and helping other people occasionally is one thing.  Having people use you to do their work is not the way to get respect at work.

Second, do not interfere with other people by meddling in their job.  People do not always want your advice.  People certainly do not want you to do their job and take credit for what their job.

By respecting the job of other people, you will get respect.

Simple Steps for a Better You.

5. Lighten Up.

If you don’t take yourself too seriously, people will respect you more.  Your daily routine is a marathon, not a sprint.  If you come to work every day and load the workplace with pressure, you will create tension.

Be sincere.  Work hard.  Be straightforward with your supervisors, co-workers, and people you manage.  Take your work seriously.  However, don’t take everything so seriously that you can’t accept mistakes and adjustments in the daily routine.

People will enjoy working with you and you will get respect.

6. Keep Your Word.

Honor your commitments.  If you know that you can’t do something or that you will not do something, be honest about it.  Don’t make a commitment to do things that you can’t or will not do.  Keeping your word is basic to getting respect.

7. Be Punctual.

People will quickly get weary of dealing with you if you are late all the time.  Make your appointments on time.  Complete your work on time.

You will get respect when people know they can trust you to complete your work on time.

8. Avoid Gossip and Confidences

A quick way to ruin relationships is to gossip.  Avoid people who gossip.  The only people who respect people who gossip are other people who gossip.

Keep confidences.  When someone tells you something personal or private, keep it to yourself.  Even if you do not make a commitment to keep the information private, respect the trust that people have given you. People do not respect people who break their confidences.

You will get respect as a person who is trustworthy.

Love Your Job

Learn to Love Your Job.

Until you get the job you love, learn to love the job you have. ~

Learn to love your job. If you have a job, any job, you can learn to love your job until you move on to the place you want to go.  If you are a manager, the more pleasure you can find in your job will affect how much enthusiasm, energy, and focus you are able to generate to your team of workers.

A few years ago, I worked out of a beautiful office on a local lake.  There were beautiful trees that blossomed in the spring and that kept beautiful purple leaves year-round.

Mallard ducks and Canada geese few in every year and swam on the lake. There was a strip mall next door with an espresso shop and grocery store.  There were five restaurants and a take-out-Chinese restaurant within walking distance.

I met all kinds of people in that office complex.  Some of them seemed to like to work in this building.  Other people were not so crazy about it.

  • They did not care for the ducks and geese that could be messy.
  • They exterior single-story exposure and the glass walls made them uncomfortable.
  • Although locked for privacy to the tenants, the restrooms exited into an open breezeway.  To walk back from your office to the restroom you had to go outside and face the elements.
  • Because of the open construction of the buildings, people who were not tenants would occasionally sit on the deck on the lake.
  • Occasionally skate boarders would invade the parking lot and could be a little annoying with their noise, but they always came later in the day when everyone had gone home.  I left them alone, and I think that they would easily get bored with the parking lot that did not offer many ramp challenges left the parking lot vacant for skating boarding.

I could easily name a half a dozen reasons to be grateful to be in that office:

  • It was convenient to my home. I could walk to work.
  • I could walk out to a deck and sit quietly to clear my mind.
  • The strip mall was a terrific place to take a break.
  • There were so many great food options.
  • The shop owners were friendly and became great neighbors.
  • When people came to my office, I was very comfortable see where I worked.

Now, carry my situation forward to your workplace.  You can learn to love the work you do and the place where you work.  The way you choose to view your work will play a daily role in how you feel about your job.

The way to start to love your work is to make a list of the things that you find rewarding about your work.

Learn to Love Your Job

Here is a comparison table to show you what I have in mind.  Do you see your job for the things about which you or about which you can feel grateful?

Gripe List vs Gratitude List
Things that Gripe Me Things for Which I am Grateful
Hot work space The new fans are great!
Low wages I have food on the table.
No benefits
Boss is angry Encourage boss
Long commute Love the radio talk shows: better work than no work
Long commute Love the radio talk shows
Stupid Co-workers I can help the team
Boring work I can bring creativity
Noisy place I will have better tomorrows
Work if unfulfilling The work is far better work than no work
Dead-end job I will have better tomorrows