Category Archives: Interviewing

The purpose of an elevator pitch is to persuade a person to accept your proposal in a brief presentation. The best elevator pitches make even complex proposals easier to understand and accept. ~

Elevator Pitch: Bad Presentations Don’t Solve Problems

Elevator Pitch: before you go to an interview, rehearse a short pitch to show how you can create success for the hiring company. Some people call this short pitch, “The Elevator Pitch.”

The purpose of an elevator pitch is to persuade a person to accept your proposal in a brief presentation. The best elevator pitches make even complex proposals easier to understand and accept.

Here is a format that I have found effective for elevator pitches.

  1. If you do not know the person, introduce yourself.
  2.  State the subject of your pitch.
  3. Summarize the objectives of the job.
  4. State a list of successful things you have done to achieve and exceed the objectives of the job. Show how the hiring company will benefit from your experience.
  5. State that the reason that you are interviewing for the job is that you enjoy performing the type of tasks the job requires and that you admire the company and what it is doing.
  6. Ask the person to meet with on one or two specific dates. In persuasive selling this is called closing on a choice.

The most effective people know how to ask great questions and to learn from listening. ~ 

Introduce Yourself

If you do not know the person, introduce yourself.  Let the person know that excited to meet them to discuss their career opportunity.

State the Subject

Don’t keep guessing what you are discussing.  Your elevator pitch will be confusing and lack focus unless people know where you are going with your discussion.

State the Objective of the Job

Before you go to an interview, study the job description.  Learn as much as you can about the company. Script how you understand the job based on the business of the hiring company.  Practice presenting a short statement of the hiring need of the company.

Explain how Your Experience Shows that You can Achieve the Objective of the Job

Compare your experience with the job objective. Have a summary of the ways your experience benefits the company.  Tailor your pitch directly to the company and to the specific job.  Anticipate questions and objections.  Have answers that direct the question back to your goal of getting a job interview.

State that You Want the Job

Let the person know that you want the job and that you will make yourself available to fit the needs of the hiring company.  Do not mention income.  Your goal is to get a job interview.  Once you get the interview that leads to an offer, you can fine-tune the details of salary, bonus, and benefits.

Close on a Choice

Ask the person to meet with on one or two specific dates. In persuasive selling this is called closing on a choice.

Practice Giving Your Pitch so You can give it Flawlessly

When you can give your elevator pitch, take a breath before you start.  Don’t let the adrenaline drive your pitch.  Remember to smile.  Look at the person’s face.  Remember that you are dealing with a human being.  Allow a comfortable three feet of space between yourself and your contact. Remember you speaking with the person to offer solutions and opportunities to the person and the person’s company.  You want to join their team.

The Seven Steps of a Persuasive Presentation

Warning Signs: Are You Interviewing with the Wrong Company?

Warning Signs: Are You Interviewing with the Wrong Company?

Warning signs: What should you look for when you are interviewing for a job? Should you be interviewing with a better company?

As the owner of a recruiting firm, I worked with applicants who dealt with troubling issues during the interview process.  Here are some of the things I learned from my experience in helping these applicants

Interviewers Fail to Keep their Commitments

In some cases, interviewers have valid reasons for cancelling an appointment, and they explain those reasons to you.  An easy way to handle the situation is to show understanding and simply reschedule.

However, some interviewers raise warning signs when they fail to keep commitments.

  • The interviewers cancel appointments without attempting to reschedule.
  • They cancel appointments more than once.
  • Worth of all, the interviewers completely fail to call you or to meet with you without calling to cancel or reschedule.

If interviewers can’t keep their commitments, you should see that as a warning sign that you are interviewing with the wrong company.

Interview Interruptions

For interviews allowing interruptions is unfair to you. The interruptions are a distraction to you. The interview loses continuity and you may lose your ability to focus. Furthermore, these people can fail to focused on you and to give a fair evaluation.  This type of behavior is a warning sign that the interviewer is not interested in you or, perhaps, simply does not respect your time.

Remember that the way an interviewer handles an interview is a sign of how a company deals with its employees.  This behavior is uncommon, but when it has happened, applicants have often complained to me about it and rightfully so.

The interviewer is the face of the company.  If the interviewer doesn’t respect your time, how well will you be able to at a company where people do not respect your time.  This type of company is the wrong company.

Withholding Information Benefits and Salary Range

The company withholds information on benefits and salary range during the interview process.

The company benefits and compensation are confidential information.  For competitive security issues, companies must protect the details of their operations.  However, to avoid wasting their own time and the applicant’s time, the best interviewers provide general information on benefits and compensation.  Often, companies include a general statement on benefits and compensation on the job description.

You need to work for companies that put the information out front.  Companies that are not forthcoming during the interview are companies that show warning signs that you are interviewing with a company that runs its business that way.  This type of company is the wrong company.

Warning Signs

Take heed of warning signs. To summarize here common warning signs that I have seen during my experience as a recruiter.

  • Interviewers fail to keep their commitments
  • Interviewers allow interruptions
  • It is difficult for you to get a general idea on benefits and salary range


Getting Discovered: How Powerful People Find Great Jobs

Getting Discovered: You have all the skills, the talent, intelligence, charisma, and emotional intelligence for success.  But what does it matter if no one knows?

Spread the Word

Retailers, manufacturers, and service providers have resources for putting their name out there.  They run ads in print, radio, television, social media, and billboards.

Furthermore, they sponsor public events.  They take part in community service projects with volunteers and donations.  Their executives do interviews on mass media.

Additionally, these companies have the money and the professional support to engage shoppers and spread create awareness of their products and services.

Confidential Job Search

You can use the same principles of putting your name out here as companies use.

Furthermore, you can promote your job search with nominal expense and minimal exposure.

Here are some suggestions.


There are pluses and minuses to using recruiters.  The top recruiters represent companies that offer more than a job.  They offer great opportunities for a career with long-term professional and financial growth.

Furthermore, unlike some employment agencies, recruiters don’t charge the job seeker a fee for helping them find a job.  The hiring companies pay the fee.

If you are uncertain about the terms of working with recruiters, ask each recruiter directly who pays the placement fee or any other recruiting costs.

Applying for a Job In-Person

When you apply for a job in person, bring the information with you that you need to complete an application.  Some examples include your salary history, job history, and references.


Sending recruiters and hiring managers your resume is an essential step in getting discovered in a professional career.

Important point:  you don’t need permission to send your resume.  All you need is a postal address, email address, or a website upload link.

Recruiters on LinkedIn, often have their email address on their LinkedIn profile.


Volunteering for activities where you can use your professional skills is a way to expand your network and become discovered.  Furthermore, these volunteering opportunities can help you meet employers and meet people who know employers.

Internet Profiles

You can post your profile in multiple places on the Internet. The best places include LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. Additionally, if you are willing to create a website, you can put your name out there as a source of information and assistance to other people.

Speaking Opportunities

If you have the skills and the contacts to speak in front of audiences, you can become discovered for your skills and experience at events where employers will see you.

Based on your skills and education, your opportunities to speak or do interviews can vary from mass media to trade shows or college programs.

For example, when I worked for Polaroid, I would contact local television stations to give interviews and discuss new cameras.


Just as retailers, manufacturers, and service providers do, you can become discovered by putting your name out there where the best people to help you will find it.

Meeting Agendas

Meeting Agendas: Gaining Control Through Preparation

Meeting Agendas can empower you to set and control the purpose of a meeting as well as the agreements reached during the meeting.

Are you tired of meetings that accomplish nothing? These lessons from sales training might help.

Case Study

During lunch, a field sales manager of a major consumer goods company told me about an experience he had had during a day in the field with his company’s chief executive officer. He said that he went through the day will a well-planned series of meetings. Each meeting was important to the success of the company’s brands. And he felt that his day was a success.

However, the CEO showed him how he could have made each meeting more successful by entering the meeting with a prepared agenda.  He pointed to instances of the meetings getting off track and failing to obtain commitments that were there for the asking.

Preparation for a Sales Call

In my training at a major consumer products company, I learned how to plan a sales call. The night before, I would create a presentation for each call. The presentation included the objective of the call, the benefits to the buyer, and the quantities of products I planned to sell. Interwoven into the agenda were possible objections I might anticipate from the buyer and how I would handle them.

A Status Board as a Meeting Agenda

When I entered the recruiting industry, I first worked for a search firm that had a former pharmaceutical industry executive as CEO.  The only thing that he asked of us recruiters is that we sit down at the beginning of every day and go over a single sheet that contained a list of search assignments and prospects, code the status of the assignments, and update that sheet every day. From there he asked to see a copy of the sheet at the end of every week.

Each morning, we recruiters met to review our “Status Boards,” which were the agenda for the meeting.

In having us create this simple “Status Board,” the CEO established more than a plan. He created an agenda for our daily activity. We not only had to present the names of the hiring companies and the name of the applicants; we had to state our progress in the process. For potential candidates, we put no number after their name. If a candidate agreed to an interview with a company, we put a “1” beside the name of that candidate. When we had a candidate scheduled for an interview, we put a “2” beside the applicant’s name. A “3” meant that the candidate had an offer.  A “4” meant the candidate had accepted the offer.

What this CEO accomplished was to require each recruiter to know the details and progress of each search assignment. He called this sheet a “Status Board.” Implicit in this activity is that this CEO laid out the details of an agenda that kept us recruiters on track and kept him informed.

Meeting Agendas Across all Industries.

So began my practice of having an agenda for my daily activities.  I add to my agenda as new events arise. Again, this agenda is more detailed than scheduling a task. The agenda contains the objective, progress, and completion of the task.

A second example, is how I manage visit to the doctor’s office.  I state the purpose of the visit. Then I add a list of questions I plan to ask. I include a section for next steps. This simple method makes my appointments more meaningful, and I don’t leave the meeting with regrets for not asking the right questions or frustration on over not understanding the next steps.  Therefore, I can then take the steps for more successful action for my health.

Winning Interviews

Winning Interviews: 5 Steps to Success

Winning Interviews: What can you do to prepare and practice for your job interview? Here are some ideas that will help you.

Give yourself an edge over the competition with interview preparation. ~

What You Can Anticipate in an Interview

No one can know with any certainty what questions to expect in an interview. However, interview questions tend to fit into categories.  For the most part, these questions fit into a range of questions.

Essentially, interview preparation come under four categories:

  • Everything about you
  • Everything about the hiring company

These points will become clearer in the discussion below. Here are examples of questions under these two categories.

Everything About You

Workplace Relationships: Keep your answers positive.  The interviewer is trying to understand how well you work with others.

  • How would you describe your workplace relationships?
  • Who was the best supervisor you have ever had?
  • Tell me about the worst supervisor you ever had?
  •  How would your peers describe you?
  • Tell me about a conflict you faced at work and how you dealt with it.
  • What do you expect out of your team/co-workers?
  • describe your expectations of your future manager?
  • What qualities to you seek in building a team?


Personal Chemistry: Creating Bonds in Job Interviews

Your Character and Emotional Intelligence: These questions help the interviewer understand your individual professional and personal qualities.

  • What is your management style?
  • Have you ever told a lie?
  • What motivates you? Whom do you most admire?
  • Tell me about yourself?
  • How do you deal with stress?
  • To what do you attribute your success?
  • How do you describe your perfect day?

Qualifications:  In asking questions about your qualifications, the interviewer is looking for specifically skills and experience that qualify you for their job opening and your potential for long-term success with their company. Here are some sample questions.

  • What is your greatest strength?
  • Describe your greatest achievement?
  • How do your qualifications make you the best fit for our job?

Your Growth Potential:  In this case, the interviewer is examining how well you can grow short-term and create long-term value to the company.

  • What are your long-term goals?
  •  Describe the things you do you do to grow professionally?
  • What are your career passions?
  •  When you were a growing up, what did you want to become?
  •  Can you describe your typical day?
  • Tell me about your greatest weakness?
  • Where do you see yourself in five years?
  • Are you willing to relocate?

Questions about Why You are Making a Job Change:

  • Why are you leaving your current job?
  • Were you laid off?
  • What are you looking for in your next job?

Everything about the Hiring Company

Taking all of the questions above, you should direct your preparation on how your answers to those questions show why the company should hire.  You must show that understand the opportunity.  Additionally, you must know the company’s products, distribution channels,

Putting your knowledge of the opportunity together with your knowledge of company, you must show how you fit the company’s short-term and long-term goals and needs.

The answers should show, based on your knowledge of the job opportunity and the conditions at the company, that you are the companies best possible hire.

Here are some sample questions.

  • Why do you want to work for [insert company name]?
  • What is your dream job? Should indicate why you the hiring company is the place where you want to work?
  • Could you describe your plan for the first 90 days on the job at our company?

Mental Attitude and Interview Practice

Interview practice will help you think more clearly.  Furthermore, the practice will strengthen your ability to think on your feet.  Interview role playing with another person and in front of a mirror will help you feel more poised.

Winning Interviews: Going to the Interview

Interviews are like batting in baseball. Who knows what pitch is coming next? Often the pitcher does not know where the next pitch is going until it gets there.   As professional baseball players do, take a deep breath. Stay loose. Trust yourself.

Job Change Success

Job Change Success: The Elements and Actions of Making a Job Changee

Job Change Success:  In this article you will find powerful tools that others have found helpful in making an effective career move.

Career Change Success: 5 Essential Elements

  1. Resume
  2. Resume Cover Letter
  3. Interview and Interview Preparation
  4. Thank You Letter
  5. Extra Tools and Tips

You don’t have to do everything for success. But you do have to do the right things. ~

First, a Resume is Basic to a Career Change

Here is what you put into a resume and the order in which you put this information.  If you replace this information with your information, you will have written a resume.

Your name
Street address
City, State Zip
Email address

Rule 1: Never refer to yourself in the third person in the body of the resume.
Rule 2: Use factual accomplishments and not subjective opinions of yourself.

  • Example of a fact:  exceeded assigned sales goal by 30%
  • Examples of opinion; goal-oriented, creative, tenacious, strategic, honest, loyal:  For a person to
    use adjectives about themselves puts human resource people to sleep

Objective:  This is optional and often redundant.  Your resume has the objective of getting you interviews with an employer who sees a match in your location, your compensation, and your experience and that employer’s needs.  It is conventional to state an objective here but you can probably find a better use for the space.

Employment History (Most recent job first)

Company Name, Location, and Period of Employment (From to)
Most recent title:

  • Use bullet format.
  • List things you have accomplished.
  • Do not waste space on your just giving a job description.
  • List things that showed you made a difference.
  • Include increasing sales, reducing costs, promoting people, saving time, increasing productivity,
  • Employers and recruiters search their databases for specific words.
  • List successes with specific industry words or functions.
  • Include the actual name of your product categories, product names, sales accounts, functions (e. g, Profit & Loss, Market Research or Software Names, New Product Development, Market Insights, Innovation), etc.

Next List Previous Titles at this company and again bullets on successes:

  • List your accomplishments.
  • Do not waste space on your just giving a job description.
  • List things that showed you made a difference.
  • Things you have accomplished include increasing sales, reducing costs, promoting people, saving time, increasing productivity, etc.
  • Companies and recruiters search their databases for specific words.
  • Include the actual name of your product categories, product names, sales accounts, functions (e.g., Profit & Loss, Market Research or Software Names, New Product Development, Market Insights, Innovation), etc.

Then include Previous Companies going back in time from most recent.

Education goes next after you have listed the first job you held after college or in your career:  Part-time or vacation jobs held while in school are sometimes not listed except as a bullet to the education experience.

Do not put references or salary information on your resume.

Second, Resume Cover Letter

Suggestions on writing a cover letter

Your Name
Street Address
City, State Zip
Phone Number
Email Address


Name of person receiving your letter
Company Name
Street Address
City, State Zip

Dear First Name:

(If you come recommended by someone, list that person’s name here).  Name of person referred me to you.  I am writing to apply for as position as a (fill in name of position) with your company.  My resume is attached.

In my resume, you will find a record of success in (list competencies)

When may I interview with you?

Best regards,
Your Name

Third, Interview and Interview Preparation

Here is what you can do to have a better interview.

1) Prepare an agenda for the interview, things you want to cover.
2) Research the company.  Find articles on the company and use information from these articles in your interview presentation.
3) Research the job and be prepared to talk about how your skills fit the job.
4) Review your skills and the information in your resume.
5) Be upbeat and positive about the world, the way you might be on a Friday afternoon.
6) Take with you extra copies of your resume, a typed list of questions, and paper and pen for notes.
7) Bring examples of your work that show your skills and successes.
8) Be factual about the work you did and the work others did to make you a success.
9) In the interview, listen to the questions you are asked and be sure that you understand the question before answering.  If the question is too broad to enable you to give a good answer, ask the interviewing to help you understand better what he or she is trying to learn.
10) Be positive when you talk about your current company, your boss, and your job.  Emphasize that you are looking to make a change to get more of what the company interviewing you has to offer.
11) Write stories of your successes as preparation to discuss how you can contribute to a company’s business.

Outline for an Interview Agenda

Candidates have found that the following outline is effective in getting the job.

In using this type of outline to prepare for an interview, a person will have anticipated and practiced how
to handle many of the questions and contingencies that may arise in a job interview.

  1. Why I am Interested in Working for Your Company
  2. What I Bring to a Company in Your Industry
  3. My Plans for Developing Your Business
  4. Ways that I Will Implement This Plan


  •        The reputation of the company
  •        The long history of success of the company
  •        The appeal of the industry
  •        The opportunity to work in an environment that enables me to use my skills
  •        The company commitment to respecting and honoring their employees with programs
  •        The opportunity to work in the field of my choice


  •        Creatively and enthusiastically use the knowledge I gained in college to make the organization
    more successful
  •        Have a range of appropriate skills
  •        Have developed marketing strategies to include customer service, pricing, and product selection

Fifth, Thank You Letter

Your name
Street address
City, State Zip
Email address


Mr. /Ms. Interviewer
Name of company
Street address, City, State Zip

Dear Mr. /Ms. Interviewer:

Thank the person for meeting with you.

Express your impression of the company.

Express your interest in the job.

Best regards,

Your name

Extra Tools and Tips

  1. Reference material
  2.  Work your network by making a list of every possible contact you have ever made in business and contact these people for ideas and opportunities.
  3. Ask for referrals of every person you contact.
  4. Lay out your goals as specifically as you can, but be aware that the more flexible you are in terms of money, location, and opportunity the more opportunities you will have available to you.
  5. Contingency recruiter or retained recruiter?  In practice, how a recruiter is compensated is not nearly as important as what contacts the recruiter has.  Typically, retained recruiters are conducting searches where the salary is above $750,000 and involve “C” level managers.
  6. Be organized.  Make a list daily of your contacts, what you discussed what action you have taken and what action needs to be taken.
  7. Read the want ads in the local newspaper, national publications, and especially trade journals. Become an expert on what is in the job market.
  8. Before approaching a company directly, research it thoroughly.  How is it structured?  Bottler, distributor, direct, or broker sales?  Public or private?  Do you have a referral to get your foot in the door, etc.?  Who are the key managers for the job you are seeking? To whom do these people report?
  9. Prepare for an interview the same way you would prepare for a major sales call, business review, or planning session where you are the key presenter.
  10. Follow up on contacts you have made.

Overqualified? How to Get Interviews that Match Your Skills

Overqualified? Are you frustrated, because hiring companies will not see you for jobs you can do easily?  You are not alone.  Here are the reasons why you are not getting interviews and what you can do about it.

The Risks to Employers of Hiring Overqualified People

Speaking as a recruiter, I can tell you that my clients focus on specific skills  These clients want to hire qualified candidates. However, they avoid overqualified applicants.

Why? Overqualified people are a risk of leaving as soon as they find a job at their skill level.   Vacancies are a burden.  They damage morale and productivity.  Filling vacancies takes time away from other company efforts. Furthermore, staffing fees are costly, especially when searching for highly qualified candidates.

The Risks to You for Interviewing Job Below You Qualifications

Taking a job below your qualifications damages your career.  You risk creating a picture of yourself as backslider.  You raise questions about your ability to continue to grow.  Furthermore, you may raise questions about what happened to push you back in your career.

How to Get Great Interviews with Companies Who Need Your Experience

Case Study:

Bob (not the real name): “How I should format my resume for the greatest success?”

Me: “As a person with advanced degrees and advanced qualifications, you should consider two formats for you resume: A Curriculum Vitae (CV) format or a resume format. Here are two articles that may help.

Bob: ”How should I list my skills in a resume?”

Me: “Be specific. List your qualifications listed in the job description. For example, I once had a search for a company that sold perishable products (products types are different from this example). I had a resume for a general manager who was perfect for the job. His resume showed that he had canned goods experience.  However, his resume did not show is that he also had the required perishable foods experience at the same company.

After I filled the job, I learned that he was qualified for the job.

Bob: “How do I select companies?”

Me: “My recommendation is that you target specific jobs, not just every job opening. Identify roles that match your skills and get to know people who work at places that hire people for those roles.

Professional and Personal Network

Use your current close professional and personal network more frequently than you use a broad network of people on LinkedIn.

When introducing yourself via a referral, first ask for permission to use the person as a reference.

Where you have friends, who want to help you, ask them to forward your resume to a professional at a place where you want to work. Additionally, ask them to copy you on the resume.  Then you follow up directly with the new contact.”


Overqualified: How to Get Interviews that Match Your Skills

Overqualified: Are you frustrated, because hiring companies will not see you for jobs you can do easily?  You are not alone.  Here are the reasons why you are not getting interviews and what you can do about it.

The Risks to Employers of Hiring Overqualified People

Speaking as a recruiter, I can tell you that my clients focus on specific skills.  These clients want to hire qualified candidates. However, they avoid overqualified applicants.

Why? Overqualified people are a risk of leaving as soon as they find a job at their skill level.   Vacancies are a burden.  They damage morale and productivity.  Filling vacancies takes time away from other company efforts. Furthermore, staffing fees are costly, especially when searching for highly qualified candidates.

The Risks to You for Interviewing Job Below You Qualifications

Taking a job below your qualifications damages your career.  You risk creating a picture of yourself as backslider.  You raise questions about your ability to continue to grow.  Furthermore, you may raise questions about what happened to push you back in your career.

How to Get Great Interviews with Companies Who Need Your Experience

Case Study:

Bob (not the real name): “How I should format my resume for the greatest success?”

Me: “As a person with advanced degrees and advanced qualifications, you should consider two formats for you resume: A Curriculum Vitae (CV) format or a resume format. Here are two articles that may help.

Bob:” How should I list my skills in a resume?”

Me: “Be specific. List your qualifications listed in the job description. For example, I once had a search for a company that sold perishable products (products types are different from this example). I had a resume for a general manager who was perfect for the job. His resume showed that he had canned goods experience.  However, his resume did not show is that he also had the required perishable foods experience at the same company.

After I filled the job, I learned that he was qualified for the job.

Bob: “How do I select companies?”

Me: “My recommendation is that you target specific jobs, not just every job opening. Identify roles that match your skills and get to know people who work at places that hire people for those roles.

Professional and Personal Network

Use your current close professional and personal network more frequently than you use a broad network of people on LinkedIn.

When introducing yourself via a referral, first ask for permission to use the person as a reference.

Where you have friends, who want to help you, ask them to forward your resume to a professional at a place where you want to work. Additionally, ask them to copy you on the resume.  Then you follow up directly with the new contact.”

Skills Development

Skills Development: Hard Skills and Soft Skills

Skills development: Skills come in two categories: hard skills and soft skills. In writing you resume and interviewing, you will be more effective when you understand the different types of skills you are listing.

Hard Skills

You can learn hard skills, and you can learn soft skills.

Hard skills are your ability to perform tasks.  These skills are measurable.  For example, typing is a hard skill. The measure of typing skills is the speed and accuracy of a worker’s typing.  Through practice, workers can improve typing skills.

Here are more examples of hard skills.

  1. Accounting
  2. Analysis
  3. Brand Development
  4. Computer Programming
  5. Internet Programming
  6. Data Management
  7. Financial Management
  8. Business Planning
  9. Research and Development
  10. Software applications knowledge (e.g., word processing, spreadsheet, image editing, etc.)
  11. Selling, and others

Soft Skills

Soft skills are personal characteristics that make you a more effective worker.  For example, flexibility and adaptability make you more successful in a rapidly changing workplace. Some people are naturally more flexible than others. Additionally, other workers can develop skills to accept and adapt to a changing workplace.

As a recruiter, I view a simple list of soft skills of little value. Stated without substantiation, soft skills are just puffery. Here is sample list of soft skills that I have seen on resumes:

  1. Adaptable to change
  2. Results oriented
  3. Conscientious
  4. Loyal
  5. Versatile

Soft skills are important to a hiring manager.  During the interview, the best hiring managers will ask you for examples that illustrate your use of soft skills. Here are two examples of how a candidate who has the soft skills of an effective communicator can illustrate those soft skills.

  1. Served as the company spokesperson to the press, radio, and television.
  2. Edited the company’s monthly newsletter.
  3. Wrote the copy for the company’s annual report.

Skills Development: Hard Skills and Soft Skills

Skills development: Skills come in two categories: hard skills and soft skills. In writing you resume and interviewing, you will be more effective when you understand the different types of skills you are listing.

Personal Chemistry

Personal Chemistry: Creating Bonds in Job Interviews

Personal Chemistry: Are you finding that your interviews are not landing you jobs where you have solid qualifications? Could it be that you are not developing personal chemistry with the hiring managers?

Chemistry over Qualifications

For some hiring managers, the chemistry they feel with the applicant influences their hiring decisions as much the applicant’s skills, experience, and education.  Think about it.  The interviewer has read your resume.  They know to a large degree that you are qualified for the job.  That’s why they are interviewing you.  What they are measuring, perhaps subconsciously, whether you have the chemistry to fit within the company. If they don’t like you, they won’t hire you.

I have heard more than one hiring manager say that they have made their decision within the first five minutes.  They spend the rest of the time confirming their decision.

So, what can happen in the first five minutes of a job interview? The hiring manager gets a gut feeling about whether they like you.

Elements of an Interview

During the interview, hiring managers do—or at least they should—confirm these four things.

    1. The accuracy of the details in your resume
    2. Whether you can successfully apply your skills to the job you are seeking
    3. Your interests in the job and whether the job is a fit for you
    4. Your reliability and your potential

Personal Feelings Matter

But throughout the interview, the hiring manager is becoming more comfortable or less comfortable about you as a person.  Their emotions are telling them whether they want you in their company.

Furthermore, during an hour of interviewing, the hiring manager is measuring your chemistry against the chemistry of other people they have interviewed. Subconsciously, their emotions guide them to overlook which candidates have the best qualifications. They are deciding which qualified candidates the like the best.

How to Develop Personal Chemistry

Therefore, make every effort into making a great first impression.  When you meet the interviewers, smile.  Give them a firm handshake.  Listen to what interviewers are saying.  Especially, listen closely to what the interviewer is asking you to discuss. Nothing is more annoying or frustrating to an interviewing than the feeling that you are not answering their questions.

State your interest in the job. Show an interest in the interviewer and in the hiring company.  Use open gestures.  Sit up straight and comfortably.  Show the interviewer you have prepared for the interview by talking about the things that interest you about the company.  Have a meaningful list of questions and ask these questions as the interview progresses.

A little preparation, along with a few positive gestures and statements, can prepare you to develop the personal chemistry that will land you the job offer.