Category Archives: Health and Fitness

Life's challenges create pressure. I can't always eliminate these challenges, but I can reduce the pressure by being smart about how I respond to the challenges.

Life Challenges

Life’s challenges create pressure. I cannot always eliminate these challenges, but I can be smart about how I respond to them.


I feel stressed when I put things off.

To overcome procrastination, I simply agree to do one small thing. A common example is to go for a walk, I lace up my shoes. To do odd jobs around the house, I lay out my tools. Often, this one thing sets in motion my completing small tasks. To reduce stress, I break projects down into multiple, simple steps.

When I am stuck with writing an article, for example, I write a statement. From there I write the information to explain the statement. I might write one paragraph. I save what I have written as a draft. During the day, I may stop and leave my work. However, by coming back with a fresh mind and additional information through the day, I complete the article.

Write Things Down

When something is bothering me, I can write it down. Writing takes the sting out of stress. Further writing helps me process anxiety. Moreover, further writing often leads to solutions to solving problems that bother me.

From there, I have a plan of action that gives me the confidence to be more productive. I have a sense of accomplishment. I feel less stressed.

Eat Healthy Food First

When hunger makes me anxious between meals, a snack cuts my anxiety until mealtime.

Sugar snacks make me hungrier. The sugar demands insulin to burn the sugar. Somewhere in the lack of balance between sugar and insulin, I feel anxious.

Therefore, I try to keep more satisfying snacks handy. Cheese, nuts, peanut butter are calorically dense, but reduce cravings and quiet the anxious voices in my head.

Take Breaks

Being tired clutters my mind. I become less productive. My cluttered mind focuses on problems.

For me, a power nap or a walk help me recover from the fatigue of working on most projects. Simply taking a walk reduces my anxiety.

To remind myself to move each hour, I have notifications on my calendar to leave my desk and move around.

I Take Breaks and Sleep at Night

Not only do I take breaks. I try to get seven hours of sleep. Allowing my brain to rest enables me to make better decisions. Better decisions increase success and cut stress.

Lack of rest is one of the steps to burnout. We reach a point where overdoing our job cripples us in ways that we cannot perform at work.

Keep It Real

It is so easy for me to want to control national or international events. Thinking that I can control these things is completely fruitless and painfully stressful.

People in forums say things that annoy me. Correcting them is pointless. I cannot police the Internet!

Likewise, I can easily believe that I can change other people. There are things that I can do that affect how other people react. However, just changing my own behavior is not always easy. Believing that I can change other people is often impractical.

Frustration over the things I cannot change creates stress. I try to keep it real about the things that I can change and not change.

Talk with Friends

Just having friends helps me beat stress. Talking to friends gets me out of my own head and into the present moment.  Furthermore, in talking with friends, I get practical information on dealing with life’s challenges, thereby increasing success and stress reduction.

Stress Reduction

Reducing stress from life’s challenges clears our mind and increases our long-term success. The steps to stress reduction include steps to increase our health.

One of the most important steps to peak performance is taking a break. ~

Take Breaks

Take breaks: I can become so absorbed in my work that I don’t realize that I am too tired to be effective. However, not stopping to rest is counterproductive. When I am pushing myself mentally and physically, I may complete less work. Moreover, I may deal with situations poorly. Not taking breaks can lead to mistakes. I am in fact wasting time that would be better spent working more efficiently after taking a break.

When I take breaks, I feel better. A break restores my energy. I feel refreshed. My attitude becomes healthier. I decompress. My mind clears. With a clear mind, I can focus on my work. My mind and emotions worked together more effectively (emotional intelligence). I reduce the risk of career burnout!

Warning Signs

Learn to recognize the warning signs that you need a break. Here are examples. Additionally, learn to treat warning signs as feedback that you are not at your peak level of performance.

  1. Loss of focus
  2. Worrying
  3. Fear
  4. Insecurity
  5. Regret
  6. Guilt
  7. Shortness of Temper
  8. Prolonged Feeling of Frustration
  9. Fatigue
  10. Hunger

Power Nap

A 20-minute power nap has been part of my lifestyle for years. Thomas Edison took power naps every day. President Ronald Reagan once said, “I have left orders to be awakened at any time in case of national emergency, even if I’m in a cabinet meeting.” There is no shame in resting your eyes, mind, and body.

Quiet Lunch

I knew a marketing manager who required his people to eat lunch at their desk. Eating helps restore my energy. It calms my nerves. But when I am trying to eat and work at the same time, three things happen and none of them is good. I enjoy my meal less. My mind must shift back and forth from my meal to my work. Moreover, when working with my hands, I must go back and forth between handling my food and doing my work.

On the other hand, going to a quiet place to eat has is refreshing. Like taking a nap, I give my mind a rest. Anxiety, mental clutter, fatigue may disappear. Meeting a friend for lunch may help even more.

Physical Activity

Physical activity is a helpful way to take breaks. Just walk around a different block. Generally, I leave my work behind for twenty minutes. I go someplace new when you can. It is refreshing to take a different route and go at different times of day. Walking burns away restlessness and anxiety.

With the pressures of body image, we lose sight of the importance of being mentally healthy. In walking 20 minutes, most people burn around 100 calories. The biggest benefit is between your ears. You think better. Even if you work out before or after work, a daily walk is well worth the mental gains.

An Aside

Leaving your desk to exercise does give your mind a break. For additional opportunities for exercise, there are things you can do to exercise at your desk. As you are rearranging things on your desktop, stand up. When you are talking on the phone, stand up. When you are returning or retrieving things from your desktop to your desk drawers, stand up.

While you are working at your desk, tighten your stomach, leg, chest, shoulder, ankles, feet and neck. Roll your ankles. Arch your back. Stretch your arms. As you pause from typing or when you are on the phone, roll your neck.

Take Breaks: Department of Labor

The Department of Labor provides a list of minimum paid meal breaks and rest breaks.

“Federal law does not require lunch or coffee breaks. However, when employers do offer short breaks (usually lasting about 5 to 20 minutes), federal law considers the breaks as compensable work hours that would be included in the sum of hours worked during the workweek and considered in determining if overtime was worked. Unauthorized extensions of authorized work breaks need not be counted as hours worked when the employer has expressly and unambiguously communicated to the employee that the authorized break may only last for a specific length of time, that any extension of the break is contrary to the employer’s rules, and any extension of the break will be punished.

Meal periods (typically lasting at least 30 minutes), serve a different purpose than coffee or snack breaks and, thus, are not work time and are not compensable.”

Balanced Life

Successful people live a balanced life. They work hard. Sometimes they push themselves to finish a project, even weeks at a time. But they know how to take breaks. In addition to work breaks, they take time for the people in their life. They make wise choices in the food they eat. Additionally, they take time to exercise. A time to rest is part of their daily routine. They take time for recreation and entertainment. They live a balanced life. Every aspect of a balanced life is a way to take breaks.


The past and the future are just thoughts. They are only as real as we make them.

Happiness and Joy: Steps for Finding Happiness Now

Don’t Wait for Success to Find Happiness.

Happiness and Joy don’t happen in the past or the future.  Everything can only exist here and now.  Becoming happy and finding joy today gives us energy and brings joy to our lives.

The past and the future are just thoughts. They are only as real as we make them.

Thinking about the past opens the door to regret and guilt.  Thinking about the future opens the door to the fear of losing something or failing to get something.

When we are living inside our heads, the world moves along without us.

While many people spend time thinking about the future, other people are living in the present moment to build success and security.  They are allowing themselves to know joy and happiness. They live fuller lives.  Their minds are free and energized with focus.

Most people have found satisfaction in achieving a goal.  There is peace of mind in having financial security.

But happiness must happen as we go along in life. Being happy gives us the energy to achieve our goals and create security.

Be Open Joy and Happiness

If we say that I will be happy when I get that job or that car or that other person in our life, we are cheating ourselves but putting conditions on our happiness.  What happens to our lives when we find that we have plenty of money for our security but live in fear of losing that money?  How happy are we when we have plenty of security, but are jealous of people who have more prosperity than we have?  The fact is that we are not happy.

The first step in achieving joy and happiness is to get out of our head and into our world.  Thinking about the past or the future creates risks to our happiness.  Resenting people for their success takes our mind off the things we need to do to ensure our own success.

Take Action for Joy and Happiness

Here are things I do to find joy and happiness in the present moment.

Gratitude: I simply make a short list of things for which I am grateful.

Perspective:  Why fret over things that we can’t control?  I can’t control the weather, media, behavior of other people, fluctuations of the stock market, ad infinitum.  However, I don’t have to think about those things.

We don’t have to wait for success to be happy.  We just take action to create a healthier mind.

Toxic Personalities: A Poison in the Workplace

Toxic personalities create stress that spreads throughout an organization.  What are the skills that you can develop to survive and even change toxic people?

Know What You Can Control

If you have the authority to act on the people with toxic personalities, it is your responsibility to change the behavior of these people or remove them from the workplace.

If you do not have authority over these people, there are steps you can take to steel yourself and even change their behavior.

Additionally, if you can in no way change the conditions of working with toxic personalities, you might consider changing jobs. Dealing with the daily stress of working with difficult people is painful in ways that can affect your mental and physical health.


Acting out of anger can just make the problem worse. The person with the toxic personality can become offended and defensive. They see you (your actions or personality) as the problem in the relationship.

On the other hand, you must prepare to be firm. I have dealt successfully with toxic behavior by confronting a person with the facts and consequences of their actions. However, changing a person’s personality is difficult. The process takes more than showing the facts of their behavior. Personality change, especially with toxic personalities, takes a commitment from the person with the problem

Skills for Surviving or Even Growing around Toxic Personalities.

Toxic people: When you can’t fight them, don’t join them.  However, make yourself healthier.

When I can’t change the behavior of toxic people or avoid these people altogether, I focus on the changes I can make in myself to become a healthier person.

Here are some things that work for me.

1. I write about my feelings.

When I write about my feelings, I cut the sting of painful emotions.

In writing about my emotions, I name my feelings.  Fear, anger anxiety, insecurity, and resentment are common feelings that people have around toxic people. You may have other bad feelings. When I experience these feelings, I write about them.

2. I write about my actions.

In this step, I can see what things I can change in my own behavior to reduce the damage in a toxic relationship.  For example, if I act out of anger, I can change my actions.

3. I discuss what I am feeling with a mentor.

One of the problems with writing about my feelings is that I have trouble seeing solutions.  Instead I focus on how people have harmed me.

However, I have close friends I can trust.  These people keep what I tell them a secret.  These friends are mentors who show me how I can grow and improve my behavior.

4. Avoid the Poison: When I can’t change the behavior of toxic people, I avoid them. If there is no reason to have to deal with them, I don’t.

Fate and Luck I have had good luck and bad luck.  But without work, I could not have had the luck to do so many things I enjoy.

Fate and Luck: Playing Comes Before Winning

Fate and Luck: Luck comes to those who act.  Fate decides who wins.  But acting often and acting smarter increases our odds of turning fate in our favor.

In life or in cards, we can’t win without playing.

Fate and Luck

I have had good luck and bad luck.  But without work, I could not have had the luck to do so many things I enjoy.

My luck in college increased greatly when I realized that I didn’t have to be the smartest student in the room.  I had to put luck on my side by doing the things that, for me, were necessary to be as successful as people smarter than I was.

I was lucky to get into Naval Officer Candidate School. However, if I had not worked hard in college, I would not have had the opportunity to apply for NOCS and become a bridge officer on the carrier, USS Midway.

Also, I had the good luck to work at two major consumer companies. However, the time and effort I put into college and into my work as an officer in the Navy paved the way for me to get an interview with these companies.
Adrenal hormone in ED is not much clear, but many diagnostic reports predict its role in male impotence. *

As a business owner, I had success and frustration.  I learned early on that I could not control the results.  Results are about fate.  However, by making more phone calls, working extra hours, adjusting to changes in technology, I had the good fortune to run a successful business for thirty years.

You Can’t Control the Results

Some you win. Some you lose. Some get rained out.  The results are fate.  We work hard.  We do the correct things.  But the world changes. Technology, industrial dynamics, economics, and other things change.  Things beyond our control change.

However, you can do the things that influence the outcome.  For example, poker is a game of betting on the cards you have and the cards you hope to have.

However, great poker players know as well as anyone how fate controls the outcome of a hand.  Holding aces never guarantees a win.  But playing the hand, and playing it smartly, increases the odds of winning. And great poker players win often.

Not only in poker, but in everything I do, I play to win.  I know that taking the right action increases my chances of success.

Stress Reduction for a Clear and Productive Mind

Stress reduction: Life’s challenges create pressure. I can’t always eliminate these challenges, but I can reduce the pressure by being smart about how I respond to them.


I feel stress when I put things off.

To overcome procrastination, I simply agree to do one small thing. A common example is to go for a walk, I lace up my shoes. To do odd jobs around the house, I lay out my tools. Often, this one thing sets in motion my completing small tasks.  To reduce stress, I break projects down into multiple, simple steps.

When I am stuck with writing an article, for example, I write a statement. From there I write the information to explain the statement. I might write one paragraph.  I save what I have written as a draft.  Over a few hours, I may stop several times. However, by coming back a new information through the day, I complete the article.

Write Things Down.

When something is bothering me, I can write it down.  Writing takes the sting out of stress. Further writing helps me process anxiety. Moreover, the further writing often leads to solutions to solving problems that bother me.

From there, I have a plan of action that gives me the confidence to be more productive. I have a sense of accomplishment.  I feel less stress.

Eat Healthy Food First

When hunger makes me anxious between meals, a snack cuts my anxiety until mealtime.

Sugar snacks make me hungrier.  The sugar demands insulin to burn the sugar. Somewhere in the lack of balance between sugar and insulin, I feel anxious.

Therefore, I try to keep more satisfying snacks handy.  Cheese, nuts, peanut butter are calorically dense, but reduce cravings and quiet the anxious voices in my head.

Take Breaks

Being tired clutters my mind. I become less productive. My cluttered mind focuses on problems.

For me, a power nap or a walk help me recover from the fatigue of working on most projects.  Simply walking for a few minutes reduces my anxiety.

To remind myself to move each hour, I have notifications on my calendar to leave my desk and move around.

Get Plenty of Sleep

Not only do I take breaks. I try to get plenty of sleep.  Allowing my brain to rest enables me to make better decisions. Better decisions increase success and cut stress.

Lack of rest is one of the steps to burnout.  We reach a point where overdoing our job cripples us in ways that we can’t perform at work.

Keep It Real

It is so easy for me to want to control national or international events.  Thinking that I can control these things is completely fruitless and painfully stressful.

People in forums say things that annoy me.  Correcting them is pointless.  I can’t police the Internet!

Likewise, I can easily believe that I can change other people.  There are things that I can do that affect how other people react.  However, just changing my own behavior is not always easy.  Believing that I can change other people is often impractical.

Frustration over the things I can’t change creates stress.  I try to keep it real about the things that I can change and not change.

Talk with Friends

Just having friends helps me beat stress.  Talking to friends gets me out of my own head and into the present moment.  Furthermore, in talking with friends, I get practical information on dealing with challenges in my life, thereby increasing success and stress reduction.

Stress Reduction

Reducing stress clears our mind and increases our long-term success. The steps to stress reduction include steps to increase our health.

Poise starts between our ears and spreads through our heart and our gut and then outward through our face and our gestures. ~

Poise: Steps to Confidence and Increasing Your Potential

Poise is not always automatic. Nearly everyone feels uncertain and lacks poise from time-to-time. How do successful people restore their confidence and maintain their poise in challenging situations?

Poise starts between our ears and spreads through our heart and our gut and then outward through our face and our gestures. ~

Situations that Weaken our Poise

Our insecurities can make it difficult for us to feel confident and poised.  A lack of experience or a bad experience can undermine our poise. Situations where we fear people are judging us weakens our confidence and poise. Especially public speaking plays with our fears that people are judging us and undermines our ability to speak effectively.

My Personal Experience
Although I feel confident to give a prepared presentation, I can feel uncertain when I know that people are looking over my shoulder and judging me.  When I first became a salesman, for example, I lacked the poise to give presentations in front of supervisors.  It took months before I had the confidence to relax and be more effective. Not only did my product knowledge improve and lead to more confidence. I also learned that my role was not to show how impressive I was. Rather, I learned that the purpose of my call was to help buyers understand what they needed to know to make an intelligent decision about my programs and products.

Even with the increased comfort of giving sales presentations in front my supervisors, I learned the importance of developing skills for restoring my confidence and increasing my poise.

Poise: Steps to Confidence and Increasing Your Potential

Over time, I have developed tools to help me feel more confident.  Some of these are simple. Others take time and practice.  Here are tools I have developed to create energy and confidence around other people.


You don’t have to stop for a 20-minute mindfulness meditation to use breathing to gather composure.  Anxiety can suppress our breathing.  A lack of oxygen creates even more anxiety.  However, replenishing oxygen with a breath can reduce anxiety.

Breathe in slowly.  Mentally focus on your breath.  The process will give your body the oxygen to burn the adrenaline from anxiety.  Furthermore, focusing on your breathing redirects your thinking from your anxiety to a calming breath and allows you to become spontaneous.  You will return to an effective mental flow of your tasks. With the present moment mental flow, you will gather composure.

Listen with a Purpose

Focus on what people are saying.  Ask yourself why they are saying those things.  Think of how the information from other people is useful to you.  Seeing the benefits in another person’s message takes your focus off your insecurities and creates positive feelings about what you are learning.

Practice Intelligent Silence

Intelligent silence is powerful. Attending meetings and listening helps us understand the proposals, the discussion, and the decisions. Additionally, listening helps us give meaningful feedback and input. We appear more thoughtful and poised. When we do speak, we become a valuable contributor to the discussion.

Bring an Agenda

Come to meetings with a list of things that you want to know and things you want to say.  This approach is especially helpful when you are attending a job interview. Having the agenda in front of you creates focus and empowers you with confidence that you are at the meeting with a purpose.

Giving Support to Others

Giving your support to others in meetings takes your focus off your insecurities. In seeing how you can help others get their message heard, you create focus on the purpose of the meeting and not on how you feel about yourself.


Creating skills for poise can help us in every aspect of our careers. Additionally, these skills help us enjoy the times when we are with our friends and family.  Equally important, these skills even help us get out of our head and into the flow of the present moment. When we are working alone or simply relaxing alone, we can enjoy the pleasures of poise.

Bias Dictates 1

Bias Dictates the Thoughts that Govern Us

Bias dictates to our reason and wisdom, but is it always bad?  What role does it play in decision-making and in governing our actions? Knowing that we have bias and learning how to manage our bias empowers us to act intelligently to the world in which we live.

The biggest challenge is managing our bias is recognizing that they exist, and that fact is not a bad thing. Biases create an awareness that we are dealing with things that are important to us.

How Bias Dictates Our Decisions

Bias is the visceral, negative, or positive feelings that we have about a person, place, or thing.  These feelings simplify our lives to interpret the world to our liking.  It bypasses our ability to reason.  Also, it is that noisy voice that drowns out wisdom. Biases drive the way we want to see the world.

This voice is an essential element of human nature.  Patriotism, faith, political ideology, and fandom sit atop our biases.  The powerful effect of bias can bring us together to form successful groups.  In sports, business, or other matters of competition, the voice of our bias motivates us to support our team and defeat or competitors.

Additionally, these feelings can make life fun.  The excitement, love, and joy we feel for our sports team, political party, religion, or family members come from these feelings.

We hear the word “biased” often from the proud parent who brags about a child.  The parent closes with, “Of course, I am not biased.” Nod, nod, wink.

Furthermore, these feelings bring us peace.  They help us overcome doubt and fear.  Bias can create healthy, positive emotions that carry us through periods of uncertainty.

At other times, bias can create tension when our feelings conflict with the thoughts and feelings of other people.  Discussing religion, sports, politics, and any other feelings about our core beliefs with people who don’t share those beliefs can undermine the bonds of loyalty within a team or among co-workers who interact with each other.

Emotional Intelligence: A Healthy Relationship with Our Bias Dictates

Since bias has beneficial effects and adverse effects on how we think, having a healthy relationship with these feelings is important.

The first step is recognizing that we have biases.

Unlike the emotions that float through our daily lives, biases become hard-wired to our beliefs.  These feelings respond to triggers. When we hear or see things that instantly and subconsciously stir our emotions, the noisy voice of bias can drown out the voice of reason.

We believe in the things that we like.  We get angry when we hear or sear things that we don’t like.  When we interpret the world as good or evil based on our emotions, it is difficult for us to know what is true or false in the world.  Likewise, it is easy for biases to deceive us into making bad decisions.

The second step in having a healthy, productive relationship with our bias is learning to pause. We can let our emotions settle. From there, we can attempt to take an objective look at the things that are happening.

Additionally, we can speak with other people who are not involved in the situation. People who are not driven with the same bias as you.  From their thoughts, we can create a plan based on emotional intelligence.

Mental Flow

Mental Flow: Present Moment Awareness Continues Through Time

Mental Flow: Living in the present moment is like riding a canoe. You have control with your paddle, but you ride effortlessly in the river’s current.

In a previous article, Becoming Aware: The Power of Living in the Present Moment, I wrote,

“Doing one thing at a time and clearing my mind of everything else: these steps empower my mind to a higher level of thinking.”

To some people the phrase “the present moment” implies an instance in time. And that understanding is correct. However, the concept that I am discussing is to experience a mental awareness flowing freely and without distraction.  For example, if you are engrossed in a movie, your mind is not thinking about the theater, the people around you, or things from your past or your future. Instead, you mind flows with the movie.

Flow is critical in athletic sports or chess or poker or any competition for that matter.  The greats don’t analyze.  They just see solutions and flow through them. A baseball fielder doesn’t mentally stop and analyze how to make a catch. Through training and mental awareness, the player’s mind carries the player through the catch and into the next motion to throw the ball to the pitcher or to another player to complete a play.

When they sense a change in the circumstances around themselves, their instincts can kick in to enable them to adjust to the new situation.

During the game, in all sports the greatest coaches, don’t want their players thinking about the score, the crowd, or the players on the other team. They want their players in a mental flow of executing a play exactly the way that the coach has trained them.

Benefits of Living in a Mental Flow

When in a mental flow, you experience a higher level of thought. You become intuitive, mentally receptive.  You release the pain of ruminating over the past or worrying about the future.  From my point of view, I can’t change the past, and most of the things that I worry about never happen.

Passionate Choices

Passionate Choices: Making Success a Natural Lifestyle

Passionate Choices: Common sense tells us to sleep, exercise, and eat correctly.  How do we find the passion for making healthy choices?

Are You Struggling?

If you are struggling, you are not alone. Tens of millions of Americans do not get enough sleep, do not exercise regularly, and eat processed food that makes them overweight.

Common Sense is not Enough.

It seems to me that most people have the common sense to know how their energy, mental clarity, and self-esteem rise with healthy habits.

However, according to the National Institute of Health, one-third of Americans are not getting enough sleep. Two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese.

Spending Money is Not the Answer.

According to various articles online, Americans spend between $40 and $60 billion each year on sleep aids, weight loss, and exercise programs.

Taking sleep aids may make it easier for us to fall asleep. People who stay up too late and take a sleep aid to go to sleep are more tired than people who simply go to bed on time.

Believing that a financial commitment will lead to a change of behavior, people sign a year-long contract to a gym in January. By March, most people had stopped going regularly. Others do not go at all.

Additionally, other people buy expensive exercise equipment. Much of this equipment ends up gathering dust in the corner or on Craigslist.

Passionate Choices: How People Form Healthy Habits

People talk all the time about following their passion in their careers. To create healthy habits in our lives, we must find healthy habits that stir our passions for healthy living.

No one has needs to tell avid golfers to get off the sofa. They are too passionate about playing golf to care about the sofa.  Tennis, fishing, soccer, softball, basketball, running, sailing, or any exercise that stirs our passions are good choices for creating new habits.

I have switched activities from time to time. But I continue to find new physical activities that I love.

As for eating healthy foods, I have never given up cake or ice cream. However, for 6 days of each week, I eat things that are healthiest for me instead. I have good luck with eating a ketogenic diet. My eating plan is 10 percent carbohydrates, 20-25 percent protein, and 65-70 percent protein. I track what I eat and track my weight.

About once a week, I purposely drift away from my eating plan to eat the most indulgent things I can find. And I reminded myself the next day that I had planned to eat that way for one-day week.

Then I return to my keto eating plan. The indulgent day kick-starts my metabolism into high gear. It is not just a day of pleasure. The indulgent day is a day of necessity. I have fun and feel passionate about the way I eat and about the results.

Breaking Habits: How to Quit by Doing Something Else