Category Archives: Career Success

Before starting any new experience, ask yourself, "What do I need to know?" Jay Wren

What Everyone Should Know When Starting a New Job

Before starting any new experience, ask yourself, “What do I need to know?” ~ jaywren

Starting a New Job

The first few weeks in starting a new job are critical. You must establish yourself as a great hire. Moreover, while people are forming impressions of you as a new hire, you are faced with many challenges. To deal with the challenges, the first step is learning what to expect. The second step is learning how to prepare for and handle new situations.

Here are steps for gaining support and respect at your new job.

Seize upon small wins. You bring with you experience, qualifications, and skills. Use those traits and skills to draw positive attention to you. If there is a task or project that enables you to shine, take on these responsibilities. Some of these small wins can relieve you of the pressure of succeeding in areas where you feel more challenged.

Impress your boss. Do the job your boss expects you to do. Make your number one priority to do the things that your boss has told you to do and in the order in which your boss directed you. Let your boss know when you complete each task. When you are giving your boss more information than you need to give, your boss will let you know.

Build positive relationships. Create a chart of the organization. Learn who does what and who reports to which person. Treat everyone with respect. Do not poison a relationship with anyone. You may later learn that the maintenance manager is a scratch golfer who is the golf partner with a board director at the annual company golf tournament. However, do not waste your time listening to everyone who wants to talk with you. Forge relationships with people who can help you with a successful start.

Some of the people who are junior to you will help you understand your job and your new company.

Moreover, turn to others for their experience and intelligence. Often, they will bond with you over your interest in seeking their help.

Write it down. Make a list of the names, the contact information, the jobs, and the relationships of the people you meet. When your boss tells you to do something, write it down. Write the task and the action date.

Get in step. The first weeks of the new job are an orientation. You will meet new managers, new co-workers, and, perhaps, new people who work on your team. You will learn the details of your responsibilities. Moreover, you will get a measure of the authority you have in managing your new responsibilities.

Learn the company culture and way of doing things. Do not try to change things until you have established yourself in the job for which your company hired you.

Become a sponge. Avoid giving your opinion when you can listen and learn. You don’t have to try to prove how smart you are.

Be open to new ideas. A dangerous pitfall for experienced people is to do things the way they did them at their former employer.

For example, when I entered sales in the consumer products industry, I sold facial tissue, bathroom tissue, and disposable diapers. Except for facial tissue, the products I sold were daily consumer goods. Consumer demand was the same throughout the year.

When I left that company, I went to a company that sold cameras and film. The transition for me required adapting to different selling cycles and new methods of projecting sales. During the holidays, the photography retailers would sell as much in a day as they sold in a month during non-holidays. A day of film sales during the holidays was as great as a month of sales the rest of the year.

Prioritize tasks. Before starting each day, make a list of five things you want to accomplish that day.

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Jay Wren – Author: Best Jobs. Brightest Careers.

Jay Wren

During my career as a corporate recruiter, I conducted recruiting assignments for over one hundred companies. The success of my referrals often established the profile my clients used for future hires. At the same time, I helped thousands of people build more successful careers.

“Building a successful career is a lifetime process. My book, “Best Jobs. Brightest Careers.” enables you to start from where you are today to begin the journey to where you want to go. Methods in this book have helped thousands of people build the confidence and skills for writing resumes, interviewing, networking, collaborating with headhunters, negotiating job offers, resigning, starting a new job, or becoming an entrepreneur.”


Jay Wren
Author: Best Jobs, Brightest Careers
Contract recruiter for over one hundred manufacturers and suppliers

Polaroid Corporation Sales
Procter & Gamble Sales
United States Navy, Lieutenant
• Promoted through 3 Pay Grades in 3 Years
• Bridge Officer of the Deck (Fleet)
• Public Affairs Officer, The Bob Hope Show, The Miss America Armed Forces Tour, Recognized as the leading correspondent, Pacific Fleet, combat press releases


  • University of Houston, Graduate, (GPA 3.75)


The first few weeks in starting a new job are critical. You must establish yourself as a great hire.

7 Steps to Starting a New Job

Starting a new job:  The first few weeks in starting a new job are critical. You must establish yourself as a great hire. Moreover, while people are forming impressions of you as a new hire, you are faced with many challenges. To deal with the challenges, the first step is learning what to expect. The second step is learning how to prepare for and handle new situations.

Here are steps for gaining support and respect at your new job.

In your new job seize upon small wins.

You bring with you experience, qualifications, and skills. Use those traits and skills to draw positive attention to you. If there is a task or project that enable you to shine, take on these responsibilities. Some of these small wins can relieve you of the pressure of succeeding in areas where you feel more challenged.

Impress your boss.

Do the job your boss expects you to do. Make your number one priority to do the things that your boss has told you to do and in the order in which your boss directed you. Let your boss know when you complete each task. When you are giving your boss more information than you need to give, your boss will let you know.

Build positive relationships.

Create a chart of the organization. Learn who does what and who reports to which person. Treat everyone with respect. Do not poison a relationship with anyone. You may later learn that the maintenance manager is a scratch golfer who is the golf partner with a board director at the annual company golf tournament. However, do not waste your time listening to everyone who wants to talk with you. Forge relationships with people who can help you with a successful start.

Some of the people who are junior to you will help you understand your job and your new company.

Moreover, turn to others for their experience and intelligence. Often, they will bond with you over your interest in seeking their help.

Write it down.

Make a list of the names, the contact information, the jobs, and the relationships of the people you meet. When your boss tells you to do something, write it down. Write the task and the action date.

Get in step.

The first weeks of the new job are an orientation. You will meet new managers, new co-workers, and, perhaps, new people who work on your team. You will learn the details of your responsibilities. Moreover, you will get a measure of the authority you have in managing your new responsibilities.

Learn the company culture and way of doing things. Do not try to change things until you have established yourself in the job for which your company hired you.

Become a sponge.

Avoid giving your opinion when you can listen and learn. You don’t have to try to prove how smart you are.

Be open to new ideas.

A dangerous pitfall for experienced people is to do things the way they did them at their former employer.

For example, when I entered sales in the consumer products industry, I sold facial tissue, bathroom tissue, and disposable diapers. Except for facial tissue, the products I sold were daily consumer goods. Consumer demand was the same throughout the year.

When I left that company, I went to a company that sold cameras and film. The transition for me required adapting to different selling cycles and new methods of projecting sales. During the holidays, the photography retailers would sell as much in a day they sold in a month during non-holidays. A day of film sales during the holidays was a great as a month of sales the rest of the year.

Great career plans not only define where you want to go. They help you identify the tools, skills, and network you need to get there. ~

Career Plan Benefits: Understanding the Process

Career Plan Benefits: a great career plan is an opportunity map. As your career advances, industry will change. Your career plan must be flexible to adjust to changes in industry. With an updated plan, you will discover new roads for opportunities to success.

Great career plans not only define where you want to go. The plan helps you identify the tools, skills, and network you need to get there. ~

The Benefits of a Career Plan

A Check-off List

A Career Plan Creates a Check-off List of What You Need as Your Career Progresses.

Part of creating a career plan includes writing a check-off list. Through this check-off list, you will create focus and direction. Your intuition can emerge to see options that might somehow never have come to you.

Here is a summary of things you might consider including in your career plan check-off list:

  1. The job you are in now
  2. The jobs you want
  3. People you will need to help you
  4. Things you want to achieve
  5. Places you want to live
  6. The amount of money you want to make

The Psychological Advantages of a Career Plan

A Career Plan Gives You a Sense of Purpose and Direction.

Have you ever found yourself in a meeting, working on a project, or in any situation where the question came to mind, “What am I doing here?” or “Why am I doing this?”

Have you noticed that associated with those questions is an unpleasant feeling that you are wasting your time? You have no sense of purpose for your activities.

Going to work every day with a sense of purpose is a lot more fun than going to work every day and wondering why you are doing what you are doing.

Also, it seems logical that going to work every day with a sense of purpose increases your likelihood of being more successful.

  1. Your interest in your work will increase.
  2. You will be focused on your work.
  3. Spontaneously, you will be more willing to invest energy and time in your work.


Creating a career plan is preparation for each step of your career. You will more effectively gather the tools and develop the skills that you need. Furthermore, you will better understand which people to add to your network for success.

Mental Clarity

Whether you are working in front of other people or working alone at your desk, as you take advantage of creating a career plan, you will have more mental clarity and feel less stress.

Summary of Career Plan Benefits

In summary, you will have the following benefits from your career plan.

  1. Increased creativity and confidence
  2. Clear direction
  3. Less stress through simplifying a planned process
  4. Great habits for success
  5. The great feelings of a sense of purpose
  6. Spontaneity in handling the inevitable turns and redirections
  7. Creating a vision for success

In closing, you will have empowered your mind with a conscious and unconscious mindset to create a path for your success.

It's the size of your solutions, not the size of your problems that determine your success. ~

Unemployed Job Seekers: How to be Competitive

Unemployed Job Seekers: How unemployed job seekers become more competitive against the employed job seekers.

Unemployed Job Seekers

People without a job face additional pressure. Loss of income during unemployment can create anxiety.  To an employer, a person being unemployed creates the perception of instability. This perception can weaken an applicant’s ability to get interviews. During interviews, unemployed people are under the pressure to explain why they are unemployed. The issue of unemployment is a distraction. When you want to focus on your qualifications, you must first overcome the issue of your job status.

Your Employed Competitors

People who have a job are in a more competitive position than people who are unemployed. Leaving a company for a better opportunity when you are doing a great job at your current company makes you especially competitive. Therefore, the best time to get a job is when you have a job.

Solutions for Unemployed Job Seekers

I have helped dozens of applicants prepare to handle unemployment during an interview. Moreover, I have helped these people get jobs. Here are some steps that will help.


Step one, create a personal brand of success. Structure your resume to focus on your career success. Target your resume to the hiring company.

Some people think that your resume should not show that you are unemployed. These people recommend that you leave the dates off your resume. Others recommend that you write your resume to show that you are still employed: 2013 – Present. However, from my experience, a resume that does not include dates raises questions about what a person is hiding. As a corporate recruiter, the two key points I required from a candidate were a list of employers and the dates of employment. The list of companies told me whether I was working with an applicant who was in the correct industry for my job search. The dates told how quickly the person progressed in levels of experience. Moreover, misrepresenting your information can lead to problems even after you are employed.

Social Media: Likewise, your LinkedIn account should match your resume.

Your Interview 

You must be able to handle the issue of unemployment in your interviews. To prepare, write your answer. Then rehearse your answer so that you can give a short, clear reply. Test your answer with people you trust. Get comfortable with your answer so that it makes you look confident in your ability to go forward with success in your next job. Show the power of your qualifications. State how you are seeking the type of job the company offers. Give details of why the job appeals to you. Additionally, talk about the positives of the hiring company.


In conducting your job search, the solution is not to focus on why you are unemployed.  Rather the solution is to focus on the steps to getting interviews and getting job offers from those interviews.

Winning Performance: How to Build on Your Skills for Success

Winning Performance is not only about how hard you work or how many skills you have. It’s, also, about having the soft skills for working effectively. Day in, day out, equally talented people give different levels of winning performance. Likewise, equally talented people can have widely different career success. Here are seven steps that will help you accomplish more with your time.

  1. Seeking Advice for Winning Performance.

Seek advice before acting on important decisions. It is so easy for me to go into difficult situations and make large decisions with the belief that I already have all the answers.  It is equally easy for me to overlook things that I should have considered before acting. I have better results when I get ideas and solutions from other people. I better understand my circumstances by discussing them with someone else.

  1. Getting the Greatest Results – Yards After Catch

Get the greatest results from each activity. The National Football League wide receiver Jerry Rice holds 23 NFL records. One of the more important records is the greater distance he gained after he caught the pass. From my observation, Jerry Rice trained harder and more skillfully than other athletes. Jerry Rice brought winning performance to every game he played.

  1. Listen and Learn

Business professionals can do a better job for their company by identifying those small details that turn mediocre projects into hugely successful projects. They do the same tasks every else does and achieve greater results than anyone else, often because of their getting input from people around them. These people develop a team mentality that tells them when to act or when to set a finished product aside and return to it when they have a fresh perspective.

These people build companies like Apple, Procter & Gamble, Toyota, and so on across the spectrum.

  1. Do One More Task

When you finish your work before the end of the day, do at least one more task before leaving work. It is easy to sit around or leave early. By starting and completing one more task on these days, you will find that your production can rise dramatically. If you add and complete one extra task per week, you will complete fifty more tasks over the course of the year. Your company will benefit. Your value to your company will grow.

  1. Read

Regularly read articles and books about your job and your goals. Nearly every job continues to evolve.  Many jobs disappear entirely. New information and tools become available to make job performance easier and make you more marketable.  Take advantage of this information to grow in professional value and for personal enrichment.

  1. See Solutions Not Problems

Everyone has problems. Everyone encounters obstacles. It is easy to give up or procrastinate instead of acting on these obstacles. In creating solutions, you can develop effective, often new ways of dealing with these obstacles.

As you create solutions, look for ways to help other people use your solutions. People have founded companies based on providing products and services to overcome common obstacles.  If you can sell the solutions you have developed in overcoming obstacles, you have a business.

  1. Build Your Network

Continue to build your network of friends and mentors.  One of the more interesting qualities of my son is that he has multiple circles of friends. The people in each of these circles are people he has met at different times and in different settings.  Some of these friends are from high school classes. Other friends come from his sports activities. Additionally, he has friends from college and his career.

Since graduating from college, he has met these people from different circles to pick up new hobbies and to travel. He has traveled to Sweden, Peru, and Thailand to meet with friends he has met over the years. You may also find that having new circles of friends can help you develop new and valuable career ideas and solutions for Winning Performance.

  1. Set Goals

Continue to set goals. Goal setting can have a subconscious power to drive your actions even when you are not working directly from a daily plan. Additionally, having goals can give you a sense of purpose and a feeling of a richer quality of life.  Rather than focusing on the ruts of your life, you can focus on your goals and how to move toward them.  Goals lead to Winning Performance.

Jay Wren Client List – Building a Business Never Ends

Jay Wren Client List: For me, building a successful business never ends. It is a continual process of expanding my skills and expanding my network.

Jay Wren Partial Client List of Companies I Have Served

Building a business or a career is a continual process of expanding your goods, services, skills, and network. The day I sat down to start my career as a recruiter; I had a telephone, an empty legal pad, and a box of blank 5 x 8 index cards. My contact management systems today contain tens of thousands of contacts. These are people I have personally tracked and for whom I created files. Most of them I have reached out to by phone, email, or professional networks. I still make new connections every day. Little has changed except that my file system has gone from paper to a computer.

I have continually added clients.

Here is a partial list of companies that I served.

  1. PepsiCo
  2. Pepsi Bottling Group
  3. Frito-Lay
  4. Coca Cola, USA
  5. Coca Cola Foods
  6. Mobil Oil Company
  7. Soft Soap
  8. Pillsbury Green Giant
  9. International Playtex
  10. Quaker Oats
  11. Dannon Corporation
  12. No Nonsense Fashions
  13. Coca-Cola Foods
  14. Del Monte Foods
  15. The Clorox Company
  16. Nestle
  17. Brach & Brock
  18. Catalina Marketing
  19. Health Resource Corporation
  20. Majers Corporation
  21. Welch Foods
  22. Softsoap
  23. E & J Gallo
  24. Sunny Delight
  25. M & M Mars
  26. Tambrands
  27. Nabisco
  28. News America Marketing
  29. El Dorado Marketing
  30. Imagitas
  31. ConAgra Foods
  32. ConAgra Armour Swift-Eckrich
  33. Polaroid Corporation
  34. Dial Corporation
  35. Dep Corporation
  36. United Vintners
  37. 7-Up
  38. Miller Brewing Company
  39. 13-30 Corporation
  40. Hain Celestial Group
  41. Q-Interactive
  42. Label Dollars
  43. Promo Edge
  44. Centiv
  45. The Sunflower Group
  46. PromoWorks
  47. The Wine Spectrum of Coca Cola
  48. Kaiser-Roth
  49. DSD Communications
  50. Black & Decker
  51. ActMedia
  52. Linkewell Health
  53. Bush Brothers Beans
  54. Marketing Technology Solutions
  55. Sunny D
  56. Twenty-Ten Corporation
  57. InStore Broadcasting Network
  58. Insignia Pops
  59. The Beecham Group
  60. GlaxoSmithKline – GSK
  61. Jacobs Suchard
  62. Cody Kramer
  63. SVP Worldwide
  64. Mauna Loa
  65. Garden Burger
  66. EAS
  67. New World Pasta Company
  68. Vacation Connections
  69. Lala USA
  70. Continental Promotion Group
  71. Kayser Roth
  72. Morningstar Farms
  73. Duracell
  74. Kiss Products
  75. Phillips Food Brokerage
  76. Unicous Marketing
  77. Kelley Clarke Food Brokerage
  78. Wizards of the Coast
  79. Oberto Sausage
  80. Fanfare Media
  81. Linkwell Communications
  82. Lindt
  83. Nurserymen’s Exchange
  84. Maybelline
  85. Advantage 360
  86. American Italian Pasta
  87. Warner Lambert
  88. Fuel Rewards/Centego
  89. First Flavor
  90. Potlatch Corporation
  91. Crossmark Food Brokerage
  92. RB (Reckitt Benckiser)
  93. Marketing Force
  94. J&J Snack Foods Corporation
  95. Cartera Commerce Inc.
  96. Alcon Laboratories
  97. Ray-O-Vac
  98. Naterra
  99. ICOM
  100. Slim Fast (Unilever)
  101. Potlatch Corporation
  102. Dean Foods
  103. …and others

Jay Wren Client List: Building a Successful Business or Career Never Ends.

Companies come and go. People come and go. Processes change. Opportunities that are here today are gone tomorrow. Even if a person only has one large, sustained client, may see frequent buyer turnover. People who build new relationships and expand their relationships within that one client will become more effective.

Change is constant in business and careers. Building a business and a career is not like building a house or a wall. The process of building a business and building a career never ends.

Find the Job You Want Where You Want It.

Inspiration: How Successful People Find Joy at Work

Do you find yourself depressed about your work?

Do you have trouble concentrating?

Is it difficult for you to finish your work?

Were you excited when you landed your current job and now you dread doing your job?

During the decades that I worked as a recruiter, I went through easy times, tough times, and times in between. However, there was no other job that I wanted to do.

For me, the swings in business were difficult mentally and emotionally.

There were also some parts of my job that I found boring.  For example, I would receive calls from job seekers I simply could not help.  They were talented people.

However, their experience did not match the experience of people my clients would hire. Sometimes, these job seekers pressed me to hear them out on why I should spend time on their job search.  I would hear phrases like this countless times:  “If you can sell one thing, you can sell anything.”

Explaining that my clients wanted people who could sell anything and who also were experts in the consumer-packaged goods industry, took patience.

At other times, doing what I did was very stressful.  Hiring companies wanted jobs filled right away.  Sometimes job seekers became frustrated and wanted to vent their frustrations.  Deals where I spent a great deal of time would fall apart on one phone call.

Finding Inspiration

At one point, I had been in recruiting for over a decade and American industry was going through a recession.  As a recruiter, I found this period very difficult.  I began to go through a state of depression.

I was sitting in a line in a car wash one day during this period.  It was a beautiful day.  I was driving a new car.  I was in line to have the luxury of having professionals vacuum and wash my car.

And yet, I was really depressed.

I had a Zig Ziglar tape sitting in my car, but I had never taken the time to listen to the tape.  I inserted the tape into my cassette player.  As I listened to the tape, my mood changed.  My depression lifted.  I realized that I had reasons to feel grateful. For starters, I had the privilege of having a new car and the convenience of having other people wash it.   I had a terrific family and a terrific life.  My day brightened.

I realized that the inspiration was in me all along.  I just needed to find ways to awaken it.

Today, I continually look for new ways to find inspiration and I act on these ways.

  • Hang out with inspiring people.
  • Make gratitude lists.
  • Pause to meditate.
  • Act in small steps.
  • Watch, read, and listen to inspiring people.
  • Follow the positive things and avoid the negative.

Today, I know that sometimes, inspiration simply does not simply happen.  However, I can do things that make inspiration happen.

Job References: Can You Trust Them?

Job References: Can You Trust Them?

Job References:  Can You Trust Them?

“Believe none of what you hear, and only half of what you see.” ― Benjamin Franklin: An American Life by Walter Isaacson

Most hiring companies do reference checks on potential employees.  How reliable are these references?  How risky are they to the job seeker and to the people who are acting as references?

Intelligent people are not going to give references who will say bad things about them.  They make of list of people who will say positive things.  Before giving the name of the reference to a prospective employer, intelligent people call the reference.  They reach an understanding that the reference is willing and supportive.

The Set Up

One of the worst placements I made had references from two former clients who gushed about the qualities of the person.  Once the person got the job, his performance was the exact opposite of what the job references said it would be.  The references, both of whom held solid positions with solid companies, were clearly in on a set up.

Smart hiring managers know that job references are a set up.  In a way, reference checks are a test of a person’s ability to find people who can say good things about them.

At best, these references are confirmations of employment dates.

The Risks

Reference checks are risky to the job seeker and to the people serving as references.

The people speaking as references put themselves at risk and their company at risk.  If they say something that hurts the job seeker, a job seeker can (and job seekers have) come back and sued past employers.

The intelligent company policy is to prohibit reference checks.  These companies only give prospective employers the employment dates for past employees.

In a confidential job search, a job seeker puts their current employment at risk by allowing hiring companies to call people about the job seeker’s efforts to find new employment.  Nearly everyone says they can keep a secret.  But do they?  To quote Benjamin Franklin again, “Three can keep a secret, if two of them are dead.”

Nonetheless, companies continue to check job references, and job seekers continue to give references.

So Be Smart.

There are a few simple things to consider about job references.  None of these things takes all the risks out of reference checks but these are ideas that are worth considering.

  • Save the references checks until all the details of the offer have been ironed out.  This step reduces the risk to the job seeker of getting exposed without actually getting a job offer.
  • On the other hand, if the hiring company withdraws the offer after the reference check, job seekers might very well believe that their references have wronged them.
  • Focus on facts: dates of employment, copies of degrees, college transcripts, or letters of certification.
  • Consider a background check instead of reference checks.
  • If you choose an agency to do a background check, make certain that they are compliant with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).  In other words, do a background check of the company doing the background check.


Rewrite for CPG Careers

The references you provide and how well you prepare them can play a huge role in your chances for a job offer. Here are a few tips to keep in mind.

1. Choose people you trust and who can articulately vouch for the work that you do. Supervisors or others who have evaluated your work are at the top of the list. Also to be considered are colleagues (past or present) and outside people that you’ve interacted with through your job (vendors, customers, etc.). And don’t forget about professionals who may know you through volunteer activities or advanced education or trainings. As we all know, relatives and friends should not be included on your list.

2. Make it easy for the interviewer to contact your references. Create a one-page reference sheet that includes your name and contact information on the top (I recommend using the same heading that is on your resume). For each reference, include their name, how you know that person (i.e., direct supervisor at XYZ Company or purchasing agent at ABC Corp, supplier for XYZ Company), and as much contact information as you can (i.e., company, mailing address, email address, work, home and/or cell phone numbers). Keep the format consist for each entry.

3. Keep your references informed. When you have an interview and leave behind your reference sheet, immediately send an email to each reference and include the job posting or any information available about that job. You want them to be aware that they may be contacted so they aren’t caught off-guard.

4. Prep your references. Just like you need to prepare for an interview, help your references do the same. Identify the top three qualities that are important in your next role, and ask each of your references to address one of those qualities. For example, if problem solving is important, brainstorm with one of your references a situation where you worked together to devise a solution to a problem. Or if leadership is key, ask another reference to discuss a particular project where you took the lead and convey the successful outcome. This prep can be done at the beginning of your search in general terms, or for each specific position you interview. Either way, by “assigning” a different quality to each of your references, the interviewer will get a well-rounded overview. And, your references will be more prepared to articulately convey solid information about you.

By choosing the right people to list as references and taking a little time to prepare them to speak on your behalf, your potential employer is going to receive rave reviews about you!

Kathy Keshemberg is a Nationally Certified Resume Writer and Certified Career Management Coach. Since 1983, she has created thousands of interview-winning resumes and related job-search materials for satisfied clients around the world. Need assistance with your career? We’re here to help!