Career Websites: Leadership, Full-Time Jobs, Networking, Job Hopping

Career Advice:  Leadership, Full-Time Jobs, Networking, and Job Hopping is a list of career articles from terrific writers and websites.

This photo takes me back to the years I served on an aircraft carrier.  I watched flight operations from the safer location of the bridge.  For the men and women on the flight deck, I salute you and thank you for your courage and your service!  For those of you returning to civilian life, all the best to you in your careers!

Career Advice on Leadership

“The Trouble with Leadership Theories – Doug Sundheim – Harvard Business Review”

“But the trouble with leadership theories is they’re easy to hide behind (often inaccurately). They become proxies for actual leadership. When something important is on the line, people don’t follow five-tiered triangles, four-box matrices, or three concentric circles. They follow real people.”

via Doug Sundheim, The Trouble with Leadership Theories – Doug Sundheim – Harvard Business Review.

Career Advice on Full-Time Jobs

“What does it really mean to work full-time? | Penelope Trunk Careers”

“I am at O’Hare flying to Pittsburgh to give a speech. I try to never give speeches. Actually I try to never leave my house. Because I think I will regret any time I spend away from my kids.”

Career Advice on Networking

“May the (Work) Force Be With You: How to Be a LinkedIn Jedi (Infographic) |”

“Do you have a partly filled-out LinkedIn profile? Get thee to computer and finish it! By simply adding a photo (no keg shots, please), your profile is 11 times more likely to be viewed. Go deeper with Jedi mind tricks like using LinkedIn Pulse or Trending Content tool to engage with others.”

via Wendy Frink, “May the (Work) Force Be With You: How to Be a LinkedIn Jedi (Infographic) |”.

Career Advice on Job Hopping

“How To Weigh The Benefits Of Job Hopping | Fast Company | Business + Innovation”

“It used to be considered a mark of loyalty to stay with one employer until you retire. In today’s business environment nobody expects you to work in one position for 10 years, but that doesn’t mean you should change jobs after every six months.”