Be Extraordinary: Practice the Power of Humility

I once heard a guy say that he got the humility button, but he had to give it back because he wore it.

So humility can not be worn like a badge.  When I forget that point, I pay a price in relationships and income.

In an earlier article titled “Be Extraordinary:  Be Wrong,” I discussed how recognizing that I might be wrong helps me operate with better information and make better decisions.  I also suffer less pain without the load of having to be right all the time.

For me, when I can have the humility to recognize that I may not be correct, my mind clears.  I can listen to other people.  I can learn more.

When I lose humility, I personalize everything.  My mind closes.  I have less information.  My success becomes based purely on percentages.

When I am around other people who have humility, I enjoy their company.  It is much more pleasant to speak with a person who allows me to express my thoughts completely and has the humility to treat my point of view as valid whether the person agrees with it or not.
There are two catch phrases that help me stay mentally and emotionally positioned.

The first one I say to myself:  “Try not to let your ego cost you friendships and money.”

The second one I say to other people:  “If I were standing where you are standing, I would probably feel the same way.”

Humility feels good.  Humility makes me a more pleasant person. Humility clears my mind to make better decisions.  Humility enables me to make more money.  I want to be extraordinary.  I will try to remember that humility is not a badge, but a principle for me to practice.