Resume Objective Examples

Resume objective examples:  Using a resume objective can help a hiring manager or a recruiter decide to whether to continue reading your resume.  Likewise, using a resume objective can help a hiring manager or recruiter decide not to read your resume.  Write your resume objective with the resume reader in mind.

Your resume objective must be brief, to the point, easy to read, and easy to understand.

There are several excellent ways to word the objective.

  1. Word the objective to fit the company and type of job you are seeking.

Example #1

Objective statement:  The purpose of this resume is to apply for a position at Beta Data Providers Company as a sales analyst.

Example #2

Objective statement:  The purpose of this resume is to apply for a position at E-Commerce Clothing Company as a shipping clerk

  1. Word the objective to fit a general category of jobs.

Objective statement:  Seeking a position in which I can use my advanced skills in industrial engineering.

  1. Word the objective to fit a level of responsibility.

Example #1

Objective statement:  Seeking an entry-level position sales

Example #2

Objective statement: Seeking a management position involving hiring, scheduling, training, and evaluating hourly retail employees

  1. Word the objective to fit a certification or credential.

Example #1

Objective statement:  Seeking a position as a Certified Public Account with a firm that focuses on accounting audits

Example #2

Objective statement:   Seeking a position as a credentialed teacher with experience in elementary education

  1. Word the objective to fit a position where a person will have great independence.

Example #1

Objective statement:   Seeking a website development position that I can do from my home

Example #2

Objective statement:  Seeking a home-based telemarketing position

  1. Word the objective to fit a position that requires effective soft skills.

Objective statement:  Seeking a position that will allow me to motivate, inspire, and direct a team of workers

  1.  Word the objective to fit a position for business development.

Objective statement:  Seeking a position in which I can build business through strategic and innovative marketing development and new product launches