Be Extraordinary: Eat Your Leafy Greens

For me, green vegetables are the best weight-loss food and the best way to bypass the cookie jar.

Greens are interesting too! Greens are fun and nutritious.  Check it out!

Celery burns more calories than it contains.   Check it out!  Just slap that sentence in your favorite search engine, and check it out!

Broccoli is a cabbage.

Bok Choy is a cabbage.

Cauliflower is a cabbage.  In other words, cauliflower is a green vegetable.  Check it out!

Lettuces and sunflowers are cousins.   Thank you to the farmers for growing some of their sunflowers for their leaves! Check it out!

If there is a leafy green you have not tried, please try a small sample to start.  Not everyone’s body responds the same way to different foods, even leafy greens!

I want to be extraordinary.  Bring on the greens!